Couple of ID's please


I am attatching two photos just so you can get an idea about the size and one closer up. I am curious to know what the spongy thing (I am assuming it is some kind of sponge) is on the rock? Good? Bad? Leave it or make it go away?
Second.. What type of algae is growing on the rock and what gets rid of it? I have patches of it around the tank and it is really tough to pull off. When I have tried before and some got away it stuck in other areas and is now growing.
Any and all help is appreciated!


I also have some of that, but mine is white and I only have a couple branches of it. I have some of those white balls in the rock though. What is that crap? Bubble algea? Your rock looks great, nice coat of coralline.


New Member
I have the same green sponge-looking things on my rocks. They are multiplying. They kind of look cool at night w/ the purple lights on flourescent like. Like to know what they are.


I ahve a couple of these in my tank also. I just assumed it was some type of spong.


I ahve a couple of these in my tank also. I just assumed it was some type of spong.


Active Member
the yellow things, are they very porous, or do they only have two recognizable openings? the reason i ask is because if it is very pourous, it si just a common ball sponge, very common in aquaria. If it has two distinct openings taht are tube-like it is a tunicate called Ecteinascidia nexa. Both are filter feeders, and grow in low illuminated areas of the tank. both are also great indicators of a mature, flourishing tank!
good luck
p.s. as for the algae in the pic, its kinda hard to tell, but looks like a species of Cladophora. its not a harmful algae, but can grow to large proportions. i would reccommend some type of algae eating fish.!



Originally posted by jonthefb
the yellow things, are they very porous, or do they only have two recognizable openings? the reason i ask is because if it is very pourous, it si just a common ball sponge, very common in aquaria. If it has two distinct openings taht are tube-like it is a tunicate called Ecteinascidia nexa. Both are filter feeders, and grow in low illuminated areas of the tank. both are also great indicators of a mature, flourishing tank!
good luck
p.s. as for the algae in the pic, its kinda hard to tell, but looks like a species of Cladophora. its not a harmful algae, but can grow to large proportions. i would reccommend some type of algae eating fish.!

Thanks for the info on the sponge, it is very popous!
A for the algae, I have a yellow eyed tang, and a lawnmower blennie but they do not seem to interested in it. I also have a bunch of blue leg crabs, scarlet hermit, emerald crabs and snails (all from this site and its clean up crew packages) thy don't seem to want it either.
Any ideas?


Active Member
man if you already have those guys and they arent touching it i really dont know. Actually you know what, id try an emerald crab just fo rthe hell of it. htese guys are "supposed" to eat bubble algae, but mine eats just about every type of algae except the damn bubble stuff. You migh tgive it a shot. Thats about th eonly othe rthing i can think of.
good luck


I have some of that too - not that much... but a little. It is hard as anything to get off by hand and my emerald doesn't touch it. I have just left it alone and it hasn't really spread yet.