Couple of new additions


Well-Known Member

Your so patient, I always buy big because I don't want to wait for a zoa frag to grow, they sure look nice. Now that first one is more my speed and a nice bright red too...what is that called?


Active Member
Identification would be helpful, it that a slice of cheesecake in pic 3?
Love the Zoas.


Active Member
1. acanthastrea
2 & 3. called seasons greeting montipora, supposed to be an encrusting coral
4. acanthastrea w/ a favia to it's left with feeder tentacles out
5. zoas
6. called superman but I don't get caught up too much in the naming of zoas
7. true long lash eagle eye zoas ... again not sure about the name
I don't mine buying small zoa frags off the net since a lot of times it is hit or miss with whether or not I will like them. Now I actually really like the two in the pictures and those superman zoas would have cost me a lot for a larger colony. I have some orange bam bams too that would cost me a lot because they grow SO SLOW!!! Most of my other zoas are fast growers.


Active Member
Thanks. I'm actually leaning towards selling the red acans to a local guy since they look a lot like some I already have. The others though are keepers!!


Active Member
Those Eagle Eyes are exactly, precisely what I want to be front and center of my tank as soon as I see some locally.