Couple of pics my 55...


Active Member
ususally im not a big fan of the printed backdrops, but that looks really nice.
what are the specs?


Originally Posted by WangoTango
ususally im not a big fan of the printed backdrops, but that looks really nice.
what are the specs?
i agree! that backdrop looks great. makes your tank seem like it goes on forever!


New Member
looks great! much larger looking than a 55.I also have a 55 but i think i have too much rock.I like how you aquascaped it


I started with 70 LBS LR... Put all the bigger peices on the bottom, and built up... I always planned never to go above half way in the tank... I personally think it's overkill... But that is just my personal taste... Also tried to make as many caves and bridges as possible with the rock I had. I love when fish swim through the caves...... From reading this forum, I take it that fish love hiding spots and feel more comfy...
I have 2 fish in hypo right now, that will go into this DT in a few weeks... False pec clown, and a spotted Kole tank.... I am moving in 1.5 years, and fully plan on a 125 gallon plus upgrade at that time...
I had a 29 Gallon Nano that totally crashed a few weeks back.. Had Ich as well as totally overstocked my tank with fish... I guess I learned from these mistakes big time... And will never over populate my tank.. In the process, I converted my nano in a QT Tank... From here on in, I will put all new fish in that QT before the main display, to make sure no issue arise in DT...


I think you have a beautiful tank. I have two tanks right now 135 and 30g. right now I only have 4 fish in the 135 and 5 in the 30. how many did you have in your 29 when it crashed.


Honestly I was a shmuck, and overstocked way to fast.. Had a CB Angel, Bt Hippo small, 2 neon Gobies, Green Madiran, Sixline Wrasse... 2 Clowns.... Cleaner shrimp, and a few snails and Crabs...
I know, I know... Biggest learning lesson I will ever learn in this hobby... From now own, add slow, and QT all fish.. I plan on maybe 5 fish max in the 55.....