couple of questions about my fish list


Active Member
I'm getting ready to order a few fishies for my 44g reef. Before I do so, I wanted to check on a few clowns (Amphiprion ephippium) - Are they basically the same as all other clowns in terms of size, temperment, and care requirements? My LFS said they are basically maroon clowns without the strip, but they look more like tomato clowns to me.
tricolor anthias
(pseudanthias kashiwae) - What do you know about them? I think they are beautiful fish, but info is kind of sparce.
royal grammas
(gramma brasiliensis) - I know royal grammas can be somewhat territorial. In a 44g reef with a fair amount of LR... would a royal gramma get along with a 6-line wrasse?
bluedot jawfish
(Opistognathus rosenblatti) - Is there any way to control where they dig their burrows? I'm hesitant to spend $40 on a jawfish just to have it burrow in the center of my rockpile where I can never see it.
Here's my list of fish... I'm not ordering them all at once... but working towards the ultimate end.
- 1 pair (male/female) fire clowns - Amphiprion ephippium
- 1 pair (male/female) tricolor anthias - Pseudanthias kashiwae
- 1 bluedot jawfish - Opistognathus rosenblatti
- 1 bicolor blenny - Ecsenius bicolor
- 1 royal gramma - Gramma brasiliensis
- 1 6-line wrasse - Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
Can I support all this in my 44g?


Where are you getting a blue jaw for $40? That is a great deal.
They are jumpers. If your top is open, they will jump out. They are very cool, though.