Couple of Questions


All my new fish arrived and everyone but one survived the transition. The one that did not make it was my false percula. Do those have to be in pairs? And my bubbletip anemone keeps going under a rock. Is that normal. He is beautiful when he stretches out but later in the day he shimmies back under the rock, Let me know and as always thank you!

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by Marie1101 http:///t/393734/couple-of-questions#post_3503385
All my new fish arrived and everyone but one survived the transition. The one that did not make it was my false percula.
Do those have to be in pairs? No And my bubbletip anemone keeps going under a rock. Is that normal. there is no normal for fish or is that the people who keep fish. He is beautiful when he stretches out but later in the day he shimmies back under the rock, Let me know and as always thank you!
List the size tank you have and the fish that is in there. Also your tanks prams and light fixture you have.


It is a 75 gallon. The light has two rows of 65k ( think) LED. The aquarium lights come on and stay on for 6 hours on bright white, then for 2 hours with the lower blue lights.
I have a fox face, dusky jawfish, dogface puffer, yellow pygmy angelfish, yellow mimic tang, mandarin dragonet (though I did not see him all weekend), emerald green sea urchin, 2 pencil urchins, 1 pincushion urchin, 3 snails, the bubbletip anemone, one false perculaand two damsels.
I did move the anemone to the center of the aquarium now and he seems to like it there and is not hiding under the rocks anymore. He really is so pretty, I am thinking about getting another one. I just wish the clown would take to him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Marie1101 http:///t/393734/couple-of-questions#post_3503715
It is a 75 gallon. The light has two rows of 65k ( think) LED. The aquarium lights come on and stay on for 6 hours on bright white, then for 2 hours with the lower blue lights.
I have a fox face, dusky jawfish, dogface puffer, yellow pygmy angelfish, yellow mimic tang, mandarin dragonet (though I did not see him all weekend), emerald green sea urchin, 2 pencil urchins, 1 pincushion urchin, 3 snails, the bubbletip anemone, one false perculaand two damsels.
I did move the anemone to the center of the aquarium now and he seems to like it there and is not hiding under the rocks anymore. He really is so pretty, I am thinking about getting another one. I just wish the clown would take to him.
Hi there,
Do you know what type of fixture the LED unit is?? Do you know if they are 1 watt LED's? This may be an issue for the anemone. It is wondering around the tank to find its happy place (as far as flow and lighting goes). When it finds it it will stay put (for the most part). You could place it where you want it and it will move to where it wants to be. I would say not to move it anymore. Let it do its thing (it very well might find its happy place where you can not see it very well in the tank, towards the back glass or it might go up front, who knows LOL).
Anemones need very strong lighting and an established tank (6 + months old). I think it may be moving because you don't have strong enough lights. If that is the case it will not do well in your tank. Sorry. They are very pretty but I would hold off on getting another one (maybe even consider returning the one you have now, again, sorry).
As for the fish, you may be slightly over stocked. If not now, when the fish grow more. That is on the high side for a stock list. Most tangs need a 6 foot tank (they are major swimmers). I would just keep your eyes on all the fish. Look for aggressive behavior, that could be a sign that you are over stocked.
I am not trying to rain on your parade, I wanted to let you know that there may be some issues that you can try to avoid now.


Thank you. Sorry I had to get home and get all the dimensions. The aquarium is 48 X 18 X 21. My lighting system is not LED. Well I have two small LED's but I could not get the wattage from where they are in the lid. The other 4 lights are 65 W Daylight (2) and 65 W Actnic (2). The anemone tends to open up before the light's come on (my aquarium is next to a window that gets minimal sunlight) and then a few hours after the lights come on he starts to shrivel up. Is this normal? Do I have too much light for him? I also forgot to mention that I have a Picasso Triggerfish. Since you think I may be overstocked, I will not replace the false percula, :'( All of them are babies, except the puffer, foxface, and the two damsels.
The Naso is no longer in there. I took him back to the LFS once I found out what he was.


Well-Known Member
Watch for ammonia spikes, and be ready to do water changes on the spot...adding more than 2 fish at once can cause major problems. Anemones move where they want, and follow the water flow, so be sure to cover the power heads...which by the way, I don't see any in your picture. The wave is the life of the ocean and your SW tank. The reason for the 6 month wait on getting an anemone is that they can't handle the changes in the water parameters that a new tank goes through.
I love the canopy and stand, you did pretty good good on the rock-work too.
Big for the bad news: Urchins need TONS of algae to feed on, and with so many in a new tank, they will most likely starve. The mandarin needs a ton of copepods a day just to survive, that's all they eat, and with damsels (VERY aggressive fish) in the tank, it most likely is already go looking for it before you have a real serious ammonia spike from a dead critter...unless you have allot of bristle worms to eat the dead it will pollute the water.
Hang in there, and stay with us...This is a great place to get information and help. We are here to help you all we can.

mr. limpid

Active Member
I'm going to agree with both sweatervest and flower on all there comments. Even if those 4 bulbs are T5's they will not be enough light for the anemone I recommend a 6 bulb fixture with individual reflectors for each bulb or a 3watt LED fixture. Is your anemone tentacles white or brown in color? White means that all the micro algae has been consumed by the anemone and brown means that there is a good growth going on and it is doing fine.


That is really wierd. When the lights first come on he is white, but as the evening progresses he turns brown. And after a few hours he starts to close up. I assumed the lights are on too long.

mr. limpid

Active Member
No that is good while lights are off he will consume the algae in its tentacles. But the browning is perfect the algae is grow again. The opening and closing is also a way the discharge waste he will fill with water and then push it out taking out waste and other minerals.
Make sure you feed it at least once a week (size of food portioned to a fish that size not including the tentacles) silver side, squid or mysis shrimp, just to mention a few foods. Otherwise it sound like the anemone is doing fine. I wouldn't add another one this one will grow quite large and may split. Just keep track of its size if you notice it getting smaller increase the size food you feed it if it grows to fast reduce, its better to under feed then over feed.


Here are my specs on the lights in the aquarium. bulb we have in there and it is a duel color bulb: 65W Actinic White 12000K/420nm Super Actinic, Dual Color Power Compact Bulb - Straight Pin, UVL we have 2 of them, and we have (2) x 65W Fluorescent 12,000k White Daylight PL Lamps.
Flower: I have not seen my dragonet in three days now. I had plenty of copepods so I will do a test on the water tonight. I really do not like those damsels. They were suppose to be the starter fish and then my larger fish were suppose to take care of them! As you can see that did not happen. But they don't seem to be agressive so I just leave them in there.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Marie1101 http:///t/393734/couple-of-questions#post_3503832
Here are my specs on the lights in the aquarium. bulb we have in there and it is a duel color bulb: 65W Actinic White 12000K/420nm Super Actinic, Dual Color Power Compact Bulb - Straight Pin, UVL we have 2 of them, and we have (2) x 65W Fluorescent 12,000k White Daylight PL Lamps.
Flower: I have not seen my dragonet in three days now. I had plenty of copepods so I will do a test on the water tonight. I really do not like those damsels. They were suppose to be the starter fish and then my larger fish were suppose to take care of them! As you can see that did not happen. But they don't seem to be agressive so I just leave them in there.
We now use a raw shrimp to "start" the first cycle instead of "starter fish".
Damsels are very aggressive fish. They are drop dead beautiful, but they get really mean as they mature
. They will kill every fish in the tank not as aggressive as themselves, and will bite you drawing blood when you put your hand in the tank. In SW tanks, the fish you add first dictates what can be added now is the time to re-home the damsels or stay with with aggressive fish. Nice sweet fish don't have a chance with them in a smaller tank such as yours...a mandarin is gentile enough to live with seahorses, the damsels will not be a good tank mate for such fish.


Thank you Flower for the advise. I am going to remove them.
Back to the anemone...he has moved to the back corner of the aquarium and has a brown spot in the middle when he opens up. I have been researching lights and wanted to know if this one will be suffecient for the anemone.

  • 252 bright white, blue, red LEDs

  • Total lumens 9072

  • Dimensions - 24"L x 3.5"W x 2"H

  • 30% energy savings

  • Power 15W
    Extendable bracket - 27" max length
    Non-corrosive powder coated aluminum housing
    Acrylic splash guard
    110V - 60Hz


Active Member
Originally Posted by Marie1101 http:///t/393734/couple-of-questions#post_3504013
Thank you Flower for the advise. I am going to remove them.
Back to the anemone...he has moved to the back corner of the aquarium and has a brown spot in the middle when he opens up. I have been researching lights and wanted to know if this one will be suffecient for the anemone.

  • 252 bright white, blue, red LEDs

  • Total lumens 9072

  • Dimensions - 24"L x 3.5"W x 2"H

  • 30% energy savings

  • Power 15W
    Extendable bracket - 27" max length
    Non-corrosive powder coated aluminum housing
    Acrylic splash guard
    110V - 60Hz
IMO I do not think that is sufficient to support an anemone. You want to look for at least a 4 bulb T5 fixture, 250 watt Metal Halide fixture (150 watts may do), or a LED fixture that uses 3 watt LED's. I have a 3 watt LED fixture on order that is a total of 200 watts and I am going to be using 2 of them on a 125g 6' tank ( I think your 75g is 4' and the fixture you listed is a 15 watt total power, not enough power IMHO).
What is your lighting budget for this tank??


I have the 4 light T5 but wanted to add the other fixture to it. With them both combined would that be enought? I don't want to spend over 1k. I was looking and some of them are very pricey, but the anemone needs proper light. The research I did I thought my lights were suffecient. The article said they need at least 10000k and I have 12000k.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by Marie1101 http:///t/393734/couple-of-questions#post_3503832
Here are my specs on the lights in the aquarium. bulb we have in there and it is a duel color bulb: 65W Actinic White 12000K/420nm Super Actinic, Dual Color Power Compact Bulb - Straight Pin, UVL we have 2 of them, and we have (2) x 65W Fluorescent 12,000k White Daylight PL Lamps.
Flower: I have not seen my dragonet in three days now. I had plenty of copepods so I will do a test on the water tonight. I really do not like those damsels. They were suppose to be the starter fish and then my larger fish were suppose to take care of them! As you can see that did not happen. But they don't seem to be agressive so I just leave them in there.
This not a T5 fixture it is power compact.
Originally Posted by Marie1101
I have the 4 light T5 but wanted to add the other fixture to it. With them both combined would that be enought? I don't want to spend over 1k. I was looking and some of them are very pricey, but the anemone needs proper light. The research I did I thought my lights were suffecient. The article said they need at least 10000k and I have 12000k.
Now you say you have 4 bulb T5 fixture.
I'm confused


That just goes to show that the LFS I USED to use didn't know what he was talking about, I find out first he doesn't even know what the fish are he sold me and now the light! That guy should be put out of business!! i will say since I have joined this forum I have learned so much and with Flowers advise on the book, I think my new fish will be much happier. Now that the Naso and Sweetlips is gone, the tank has calmed down quite a bit!
Oh well with my light and purchasing the other one I posted would that be enough? If not, suggestions, there are so many out there!

mr. limpid

Active Member
Well you have a choice. If you want to keep the anemone you will need a reef light, I suggest a LED fixture for many reasons. If I were buying one today I would go with AI Vegas or Apollo Reef UV5000. If you get rid of the anemone and do a fish only tank, you can go with your standard old fashion cheep light fixture.