couple of snowflake eel questions

hey guys I have been researching the snowflake eel for a possible addition to my 110 gal tank. I had basically 2 questions. 1. how do they do with cleaner shrimp I have read mixed things. I like my 2 cleaners and I don't want it to be a major problem? 2. When is best to add them to the tank, ie. will they be really territorial and difficult tankmates, or will they kind of keep to themselves and not really be a problem to established fish or future additions.
thanks for the info


Active Member
i had one in a fish only tank before it never botherd my coral bandit shrimp and tried to eat small fish like wrasse and they nock over stuff all the time like rock


I have an 18 inch SFE in my 150. He gets along fine with the fish and my cleaner shrimp. The cleaner is always picking at the eel and I think the eel likes it. The biggest problem with them is at feeding time. He likes to knock things over when looking for food. Nothing is more irritating, then when he knocks a coral over!:mad: