Couple Pics of my Tank and Live Rock!!!


New Member
Its almost 2 Weeks old I have 60llbs of Live Sand and 45lbs of live rock... Its a 90 gallon.. Im Cycling with a few fish 2 clowns and 2 yellow tails... Threw in 5 lil hermits also..
I bought some cured live rock and there is all kinds of stuff on it here are some pics If you all can point some stuff out to me let me know..



Active Member
You're going to want at least another 50 lbs or so of live rock. Its also not a good idea to cycle with live fish as the ammonia levels during the cycle can be toxic to them.


New Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
You're going to want at least another 50 lbs or so of live rock. Its also not a good idea to cycle with live fish as the ammonia levels during the cycle can be toxic to them.

See i dont understand that theory.... Some people say its OK and others dont.... What am i to do.. Well the 2 clowns and 1 yellow tail seem fine.... There is one yellow tail who is not looking to great looks like he has white pacthy skin and a eye is bigger then the other ... I dont know if its from the other yellow tail beating him the other is fine but seems very aggresive and chases the other sometimes.


It is never good to cycle a tank with fish. Some people just use damsels to build up the biological filter through the cycle process. Damsels can tolerate the cycle to some extent because they are more hardy. But, they are aggresive and hard to catch and take out of the tank once the cycle is finished. (a raw piece of shrimp will also cycle in your tank faster, and it is alot cheaper than purchasing fish for this purpose) The ammonia levels will spike during the nitrate cycle and kill the fish. It is equivalent to dropping your fish into an acid bath. If your yellow tail isn't doing good then this is probably the reason. The best thing to do is take the fish back to your lfs until your cycle is complete. Once you add more live rock to the tank your cycle may start all over again as well. The best way to cycle in the tank is to let nature run its course and not rush the process by cycling with fish.


soundds like your yellow tail has pop eye and its most likely gonna die. might want to do a water change to get rid of some amonia


The lady at my LFS just gave me some frozen silversides and told me to bury them in the sand. Its suppose to help build the bact. up in the tank i think. I take a water sample to her every week and she said my tank is starting to look good. I think its been up for 3 or 4 weeks now.


New Member
Originally Posted by morval
soundds like your yellow tail has pop eye and its most likely gonna die. might want to do a water change to get rid of some amonia

heres the best pic i could take im this one acts fine still he looks like he has just gotten his ass whipped by the other yellow tail which always goes at him when eating or so forth.. My other 3 are absoutley fine and very active.. Its fun watching them swim around like that... I just got my teat kit today and plan on testing all my levels tomorrow... I brought a sample to the lfs and they said i was peaking a few days ago i wil do it again and see what they say ...
the fish has one eye bigger then the other white spots and looks like a cut on him but he acts very normal


Active Member
Originally Posted by hillius31
The lady at my LFS just gave me some frozen silversides and told me to bury them in the sand. Its suppose to help build the bact. up in the tank i think. I take a water sample to her every week and she said my tank is starting to look good. I think its been up for 3 or 4 weeks now.
Are you in Gillette? Which LFS are you using?


Active Member
Underwater World is awesome I used them exclusely when I lived in Gillette. I haven't done business with All Gods Creatures in several years never got anything healthy from there and their service sucks.
How do you like the Truck shop? I did 6yrs at Wyoming Machinery myself in the parts dept.


I love the truck shop. My step dad is the one that convinced me to transfer out there. I was working in the shop in town. But there are alot of good people that work for Wyo Mach.
Its nice seeing another Wyoming person on here


scopus tang

Active Member
There is a lot more than one! Wonder how many total people there are on here from Wyoming? I just talked to Bigskyreef on the reeftank forum and he's from Montana. Maybe we need to do a statewide or Wy-Montana reef club instead of just a Sheridan one.


Active Member
I was thinking the same thing or at least a regional one anyway that would include at least Billings, Casper, Buffalo, Gillette, and Sheridan Since they are all within a couple hrs of Sheridan.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hillius31
I love the truck shop. My step dad is the one that convinced me to transfer out there. I was working in the shop in town. But there are alot of good people that work for Wyo Mach.
Its nice seeing another Wyoming person on here

Yes there are alot of good people there I miss working with some of them, didn't care much for the management though they really mistreated people. From what I hear though most of the managers are gone from when I was there so maybe things are better now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Sounds good to me. Any ideas on how to advertise?
I would say we could start with the LFS that are willing to participate I know the owners of Underwater world in Gillette pretty well and I am sure that they would help us out, and some radio stations do free announcements for local clubs and non-profit organizations. I sent an email to Sheridan media requesting some info from them and I can contact Basin radio in Gillette and look into radio station in other communities also if you would like.


Originally Posted by natclanwy
I would say we could start with the LFS that are willing to participate I know the owners of Underwater world in Gillette pretty well and I am sure that they would help us out, and some radio stations do free announcements for local clubs and non-profit organizations. I sent an email to Sheridan media requesting some info from them and I can contact Basin radio in Gillette and look into radio station in other communities also if you would like.
That would be awesome. I know Crystal out at Underwater World pretty good too. I know she would be willing to participate, and spread the word. I also run a Vinyl Graphic Design out of my house, I could design some sweet flyers and post them around town and send you guys some and you can post them around too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hillius31
That would be awesome. I know Crystal out at Underwater World pretty good too. I know she would be willing to participate, and spread the word. I also run a Vinyl Graphic Design out of my house, I could design some sweet flyers and post them around town and send you guys some and you can post them around too.
That would be cool can you PM me an email address so I have a better way to get in contact with you as we progress with this.