Ive got my tank pretty well set up, my parameters have been really low for a good time now, Ive got a emerald crab, and about 5 hermits, and a couple snails that hang around under the sand or on the glass and 3 damsels (that Ill get rid of soon and get some nicer fish), the problem is the Ive got some brown algae on the sand that I cant get rid of, the inverts I have dont go near it, they are all over the LR algae what can I get to go after the sand algae? next- I am told from all different sources that LR will need some type of lighting others say I dont need special lighting. My LR has a good amout of purple but it looks like its fading, is that because its not getting the proper lighting, I do add some Calcium everyday and keep those numbers up so whats that all about. Thanks sorry for the lenghy post everyone!!!