Couple ?'s pics included


Okay first question Do you know what that is in the pic below. I bought some plants and saw it in the bag before i dumped the water in the bucket. I threw it in the display in stead of the fuge. (didn't really think about it. Right when i dropped it in it stuck tothe glass.


Now for the second questin. I set up a sump and fuge there is not much of a selection in the LFS around here and i've never really seen plants for sale. When I went today they had "a bunch" of algea for 5 bucks. Needed to get something in the fuge. Am i suppose to let the stuff float around. It doesn't really have roots so hard to plant.
or any other info.


And here is a pic of my new fish i'm gonna post for the heck of it not that great of a pic still havin probs with shutter speed, contrast ect....


Active Member
It could be a tulip anenome. Need a pic of the other side to tell.
You could put a small rock on the plants to hold them down and the roots will dig in.


thanks for the rock trick
i will try to get a better pic if i can that was the only angle i was able to get it at today.


Nice Bangaii, I got one and had him for a few weeks and read that they like to be in small groups so I purchased 2 more and he hates them chases them 24/7 almost. So just a warning if you have him by himself for awhile I wouldnt advise getting more later. They are cool looking fish though. Carrie


Yeah i've read a few things about them they can pair nice as long as you know its a male/female. But it is hard to tell them apart, none of my LFS i've seen have pair. Soooo i heard they are okay by them self some times even better, wish me luck i hope he will be alright. righ now it is just him and a mandrian in my tank has far as fish goes.