Cow fish!


Just saw a cute long nose cow fish in my lfs.Does anyone own one of these unsual shaped fish?My lfs also had a dragon wrasse that looked like a dragon.He was black and white with a nicely serrated dorsal fin just like "puff the dragon"!


Active Member
the dragons get huge i have heard, and the cow fish i heard if they die within minutes they can wipe out ur whole tank with the toxins they release. im no expert, just what ive heard.


I've heard and read the same thing.Good article in december fw and marine aquarium about venomous fish and inverts.But the same way people keep voltains and puffers[same group as cow]I'm sure someone has a cow!

michael r

I've actually heard from some experienced people that Cowfish DON'T release any toxins upon death (How can they? They've died), but rather only when they are seriously stressed in the aquarium (Unless, of course, the stress soon after leads to its death).
I believe a relatively stress-free aquarium is most important.


you are right its not after death but during death that the toxins can be released but its also not every type of cowfish that do this so a species is a must to research which it is and what the risks are.

michael r

Ah okay, I understand.
However I remember reading from someone that the Cowfish only releases the toxins as a last resort in self defense.
Not arguing; just conversing


yeah but if they are stressed and on their way out then it can be considered a last resort. stress of any kind can trigger it from a fish harrassing it to water parameters being off. either way stress is stress and has the potential of this happening.
I love conversations with out negative tones thats how we all learn more in this hobby.