Cowfish and Seahorse?


I have 3 very hardy Seahorses. When I bought them about a month ago they were in a 20 gallon tank with a FlamHock, Foxface, some kinda Gobie and 1 or 2 other fish that I suprised they would make it with. The reason I got them is because they had been in that tank with all them fish for about 2 months. They also eat frozen food or even dried flack food. I had seen the guy at the fish store feed them many times because every time I want in there I would have him feed them. I always told him that I would buy them one day. Well, He sold me the 3 he had for $120 which is a good deal. They are about 7 inches tall.
So, my question is I do not know anything about a cow fish. My wife likes the way they look. I finley have a 39 gallon tall tank cycled and ready to go for the seahorses. I will also have corals in there also. Will the Cowfish nip or eat the corals? Will it Mess with my Seahorses? I dont want to get one if I cant give him a good home. Thanks for any info you can give me.


I wouldnt do a Cowfish. I wanted one my self and then I read up on them, plus some other people on this site helped me out. First off I wouldnt put many fish with sea horses you might over stress them.
Now the Cowfish is very risky to put in with sea horses. Not only does a Cowfish put out a toxic fluid that could kill all your fish when it dies but it could also do it when its stressed not only killing your sea horses but also the cowfish. Also I think the cowfish would nip at your sea horses.
I also think cowfish need a big tank too like a 125 or bigger I think (from what I remember dont qoute me on that)
I would stay away from the Cowfish and other fish with your sea horses and just enjoy them.
Im glad to hear your Sea horses are doing great thats my next project if I can get the cash flow lol. Anyways good luck in your future plans try and get some pics of your tank up I would like to see it.


Active Member
I would not do a cowfish with seahorses!! I have 2 seahorses and a false perc in a 20 gallon, they get along fine, but I have to do ALOT of water changes to keep the water quality decent. Seahorses have a huge bioload.


I think I have 2 male and 1 female. I hope they have little ones. Does anyone have any Ideals no how to get them to mate? The eat like little pigs. I know they can have from 50 to 400 at a time. WOW, I could pay for all my tanks and give a few away if they have that many. I have a real good ideal how to feed the little ones. I already put brine shrimp eggs in the tank about once a week. When they hatch you can really tell because the horses get fat little bellys. Also when I started putting the eggs in there my tank stays LOTS cleaner. When I change fiters now there is LOTS of them in there. Even in the proten skimmer. I have gotten many rocks from all over. I find new stuff in there every day. I have probley 10 diffrent kinds of shrimps that I have seen. Also, about 8 diffrent kinds of snails. In the last load of coral I got in I saw these Black snails. They look so kewl. They are all black with a white stripe down their backs. When I first got them they was the size of a dime. Now, a month later, they are the size of a silver dollar. Wow, they grow fast. A few nights ago I saw something blowing sand out of my candy canes. I looked for a hour or so to see what it was. Well, about a hour ago I looked and saw some snail that was tan colored but has just a small shell on its back. the shell is about 3 times smaller than the snail. I also have TONS of baby star fish. They are about the size of a quater. I cant wait till my next shippment of coral comes in. I almost always get in rare ones. I sell them for lots on ---- =-). I also have some fuzzy mushrooms they you will not find anywhere. I sold just one mushroom of the rock that was maybe 1/4th a inch accross for $41. People go nuts over them. I have one that is about 7 inches and another that is about 4 inches. I hope some little babes pop up soon.


Active Member
i would keep seahorses in a species only tank, with lots of stringy branches or grasses.
they also do not like fast moving water.

darth tang

Active Member
Can seahorses be mixed with fish? Yes. Cowfish? No.
Here is why,
The problem is that cowfish can't resist nibbling on seahorse fins. It isn't an act of hostility - merely one of curiosity - but it still causes injury to the seahorses.
Another problem with this combination is that seahorses often have a bit of algae growing on their carapace. Because cowfish are always looking for vegetation upon which to dine, they can wreak havoc upon seahorses because seahorse's hard carapace is no match for the powerful jaws of a cowfish.


Active Member
definitly not.....
Even if you could, a Cowfish should not be placed in a 39 gallon tank. They grow to be huge.... need atleast 180 gal