I've had this little longhorned cowfish(1-2in) that I rescued from my friend about 3 months ago. He was in a little 10 gallon tank and I knew that he would have some problems down the road. I told him this and he said that I could have him. Anyways, I put the little cowfish in my 30(not much of an inprovement), and all that I've been able to feed him so far is bloodworms and spirulina flakes(sp?.) I know that bloodworms are no good at all for marine fish. I've also tried feeding him formula 1, squid, krill, silversides, he won't touch any of that stuff. Today I went by the LFS and picked up some tetra marine flakes to see if he would eat that, but so far all's he does is spit them out... So what should I do in this situation? I don't wanna starve him, and then again, I don't wanna feed him unhealthy foods all the time. Even my percula clowns are starting to stop eating their formula 1, and are now going for the blood worms like the cowfish. What to do??? BTW, if any of you are interested in a baby longhorned cowfish, he is free to anyone with a big enough tank to house him when he's fullgrown, no shipping, pick-up's only!! He appears to be really healthy and active, he spits water at ya when your by the tank!! He's soo cool!!