Cowfish Longhorn....


So I am going to get a Cowfish Longhorn, and I hear he requires feeding three times a day. What exactly does this mean? I need to feed him a third of the normal amount three separate times a day? Or a normal amount of food three times a day? If it is the latter, then wouldn't I be overfeeding my entire tank?
Secondly, how much food (in terms of cubes of frozen brine shrimp) and how often should I be feeding this tank set up:
2 small nemos
1 medium lawnmower blenny
1 small cowfish longhorn
1 small valentine puffer


Originally Posted by wpost2
So I am going to get a Cowfish Longhorn, and I hear he requires feeding three times a day. What exactly does this mean? I need to feed him a third of the normal amount three separate times a day? Or a normal amount of food three times a day? If it is the latter, then wouldn't I be overfeeding my entire tank?
Secondly, how much food (in terms of cubes of frozen brine shrimp) and how often should I be feeding this tank set up:
2 small nemos
1 medium lawnmower blenny
1 small cowfish longhorn
1 small valentine puffer
Brine should be at the bottom of your list of foods to feed...particularly to the longhorn. Brine does not provide much in the way of nutritional value unfortunately. The cow needs a nice mix of meaty and lots of greens. I feed mine a mix of scallops, shrimp, mussels, clams and algae sheets. The longhorn is a fast grower. You are going to feed it more than your other fish you have. Hard to say exactly how much to feed it, but this is what I do. I drop in a cube of formula 1 or 2 in the morning. I might drop two depending on how fast the fish eat it. I then hang an algae sheet in the tank for the day for them to munch on. Then at night I feed my mix described above and usually put in what can be consumed in a 5 min period. I hope you have a large tank, as that cow is going to grow very fast. Mine went from about an inch to 6 inches or so in about 6-8 months. Great fish

Looking at your profile (if it is current...40 gallon)...I would not suggest a longhorn. They generally do not like alot of live rock, and the tank IMHO is not large enough to house one for more than a year. This is just my opinion I am offering, however, please enjoy your tank and do as you will :)


I plan on upgrading my tank size in roughly a year or two, so I'm fine with him growing larger. As to you saying he won't like live rock, what exactly do you mean by that? Btw, I edited my profile, it was a bit outdated.


Originally Posted by wpost2
I plan on upgrading my tank size in roughly a year or two, so I'm fine with him growing larger. As to you saying he won't like live rock, what exactly do you mean by that? Btw, I edited my profile, it was a bit outdated.
They prefer open areas according to all of the research I have done. My cow did not disclose this personally to me
, but I did notice a difference in it's coloring when moved from one location to the other. It seemed to display brighter coloring in the less "busy" tank. This could also be attributed to the fish trying to camouflage itself however
in the busier tank. Also the older they get, they become more sensitive to drastic light changes, and can easily injure themselves on the live rock. My longhorn once broke a horn on live rock, and injured its eye another time. They are not all that graceful. Additional notes...they prefer low population tanks, and like a "low" flow.

crypt keeper

Active Member
they dont like fast moving fish. They dont move fast. They dont nee d alot of flow and if they die the rest of your tank will die with it. They get about two feet


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
They dont nee d alot of flow and if they die the rest of your tank will die with it.
Rare that this actually happens...the potential is there however. I have had three cows pass on me and none have nuked my tank.