Cowfish - possible issue??


New Member
I've had a cowfish in my tank for approx. 1 week - when i first got him, he was bright yellow - now he's somewhat of an olive color - is this normal?
His behavior hasn't changed - just the color.

crypt keeper

Active Member
just make sure it doesnt die in your tank. when they die they can release a toxin that will kill everything in your tank


Yes, they can release a toxin when they die, but they don't always. I had one die in my tank and since he was not stressed when he died he did not release a toxin.


Originally Posted by jimlevan
I've had a cowfish in my tank for approx. 1 week - when i first got him, he was bright yellow - now he's somewhat of an olive color - is this normal?
His behavior hasn't changed - just the color.
Something doesn't sound right. Can you post a picture of him? Check your readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH, SG, and temp. What else is in with him, what sized tank is it, and is he eating?
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
just make sure it doesnt die in your tank. when they die they can release a toxin that will kill everything in your tank
More myth than fact. It just doesn't happen in our home aquariums.
The olive color change doesn't sound normal. When the lights first come on there will be some change but usually only lasts the first few minutes.


New Member
tank is a 50 gal - right now there's a handful of green chromis, a butterfly, and a clown.
He really only started w/ the color change when i put in an additional 20 lbs of live rock - as for the toxins being released, i've heard about that, yet my LFS assured me it rarely happens in the home aquarium
Mine has continued to stay bright yellow, blue polkadots and a little brown mixed in here or there. I have had him almost two years. What are you feeding him? Mine loves a variety of meaty foods(brine, mysis, squid, etc...) but they also need a lot of veggies(seaweed, nori, spinach) are all foods that mine likes to eat. Maybe dose with some garlic and/or vitamins. If your water parameters are good then I would have to guess stress or nutrition would be causing your color change.


I've seen this happen before. I would assume its the diet, or the lights arn't very bright compared with the ones they have at the LFS. It is possible he can darken his color in order to try and blend in with his surroundings.
Also I wouldn't worry about the toxins. It normally only happens when they go through a very stressful death like getting sucked into a power head.

crypt keeper

Active Member

Originally Posted by Alabama Reefer
More myth than fact. It just doesn't happen in our home aquariums..

I know of two cases it has happened. They were bigger. Most people know these fish grow to almost 2 feet in length. I also said when they die they can release a toxin. Not when they die they will
release a toxin and kill everything in your tank.

Originally Posted by crypt keeper
I know of two cases it has happened. They were bigger. Most people know these fish grow to almost 2 feet in length. I also said when they die they can release a toxin. Not when they die they will
release a toxin and kill everything in your tank.
If you thought I was attacking you personally, I apologize. You did only say it is possible but the odds are as good as getting struck by lighting.
An ammonia spike is the more likely culprit. Is a toxin release possible? Certainly. It is a rare occurance at best in the home aquarium even with death. Just like reaching 2'(in the ocean , yes) they never get that big in our aquariums. In fact, over a foot would be a rarity in the home aquarium.


New Member
thanks for all the replies - the light is dimmer than at the LFS - as for the diet, i've been feeding him pellets, and a marine flake with garlic - he seems to love the large flakes w/ garlic. I haven't fed him any greens yet...should i? the lfs said he would be good with the


Active Member
Definitely not.....that is like saying all you need is dry cereal the rest of your life........they need meaty foods as well as greens. Mysis, krill, clam, shrimp with vitamins added. there is more than that you could add too. I would also add seaweed salad as soon as you are able to......Variety of food is the most important thing we can do for our fishes longevity and health besides a clean tank.


Originally Posted by jimlevan
thanks for all the replies - the light is dimmer than at the LFS - as for the diet, i've been feeding him pellets, and a marine flake with garlic - he seems to love the large flakes w/ garlic. I haven't fed him any greens yet...should i? the lfs said he would be good with the
Sorry I'm going a bit off topic here, but do you hand feed him? I remeber when I had mine he would always eat out of my fingers and then when all the food was gone he would nibble at my finger to tell me he wanted more. Nothing relating to the topic, just curious.


New Member
i'll start w/ the veggies soon and see how that works out - as far as hand feeding, yeah - he'll come right up to the top, eat out of my hand, and lets me pet him lightly on the head
Just be careful feeding him at the top and not let him suck air. It will mess up his equalibrium and can possibly cause death. It is hard for them to get rid of the air once sucked in.