

Ok, so i was at my LFS yesterday and I saw a cowfish, i cant find any info on the on this site unless im just missing it....but i just wanna know what are their tempermants, are they easy to take care of? etc....etc... . I just thought it was a cool looking fish, if anybody can give me any info or point me in the right direction on where i can find info, I would really appreciate it, thanks, peace :notsure:


well i know a little about em. when they are stressed out or die they release toxins. also they get huge!! I have never had one but i am pretty sure that they are peaceful, although will pick at feather dusters and coral polyps. Again, i have never had one.
i noticed that one of your intrests is drums. How long have you been playing? I have been playing for 2 years. Now youre the third person on the board who plays drums.


Thanks for the info. I've only been playing drums for about half a year, I mainly play guitar but picked up the drums recently and i think i like them better than guitar, definetly fun stuff:happy:


I had a cowfish for less than a week. Very neat fish but they need very good water and a calm tankmates.
I have a small Spanish hogfish that likes to clean other fish. The cowfish didn't like the cleaning. I think the stess of that killed him. I did not have any toxin problems.
If you can provide the right home for it then give it a try.
BTW, I used to have drums but traded them in for an Ibanez electric guitar. I say "had drums" and not "play drums" because I stink at drums and can't play them at all. :D I'm much better at giutar.


i have a cowfish in my 55 gallon i know he needs a bigger aquarium but he is really small maby an inch. my cow fish is really peaceful. I had him for about 4 months now but i would love to keep him but i am upgrading to a 180 gallon and since it is so small the other fish wold probably eat him. I think this is the best fish. I can actually pet mine, i would love to keep him but the big would probably not suit him well. :nope:
Her is my cowfish


Ah I too am a drummer. I have a Ludwig Classic Rocker with Evans heads, DW stand and double pedal, Paiste Cymbals. I was in a band for 5 years and left them about a year or so ago. Worst think I've done. I love playing, but miss playing with a band!


Logen, how is the care with the cowfish (difficult, easy)? im just starting out, would you recomend it? how big do they generally get?......and thats the exact same kind my lfs had, it was jumping up at the top of the water, it was definetly a rad fish. And dragracer what kind of music do you play? and what about you drakken what kind do you play?:happy:


well so far i had no probleam with him, they say that the grow up to 18 inch but they rarely get to even half the size in aquariums. If you buy the fish at a large size then mabye they will get big but i'v never seen one that big in stores. I know a person who had many clown fish throught his aquarium expirence and he said that one cowfish from 4 grew to 9 inch. this is my first one i'v had. I say go for it if you dont have aby aggressive fish in your tank. Also many people that had cowfish and had died said that the other fish were not harmed.


Cool thanks, I'll keep looking into the cowfish, it really is a neat fish. And dragracer, good stuff, i like it, definetly indie rock influenced it seems like....i dig it


Nice looking fish and cool to watch swim around!! Had one and it wiped out my tank entirely!!!


Wow there are a lot of rockers here, cool, rock rocks my socks, lol. i just started playing guitar, my dad got me an electric for christmas last year, im getting better every day.


Hey man bassists are hard to come by, and they all seem to want to "move on to better things" once you find em!!!


hey guys i play the bass...ibanez sr2000 pretty tight i love to play funky beats and move on to better things..whats better than the bass? with a tight loud bass riff your band can go farrrrrrrrrrr not that u dont need a sick guitarist and drummer and singer but a good basist is hard to come by and bass rules btw.. anyhow rock rules too...btw cowfish look sweet and id get one if i didnt want to kill everything in my tank..sorry for the grammar im sick thats my if you'll excuse me i'm going to compose a wishlist