Cowry Snail


I found this snail laying on a scolymia didn't think much of it at first. I came back later after the lights went out and it was on it again. This time it looked like some skeleton was showing. The snail has been in the tank for about 8 Months and I have never had a problem out of it( atleast I know of) . Does anybody have any insight on this animal?


Active Member
Cowries are pretty indiscriminate about what they eat, and at best, "with caution" when housing with corals.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Cowries are pretty indiscriminate about what they eat, and at best, "with caution" when housing with corals.
Thanks, but like I said I have never had a problem or maybe I just never say it until now. I happen to look at the back side of a Favia Brain and it had fresh die off. I checked again last night and it is nibbling on stuff.