CPR Bak Pak as main filter?


I have a 20g fowlr that's been running 3 years on a Millenium 2k filter with no problems. The water surface has always had that dusty look when viewed from underneath, I'm thinking a skimmer would clear that up but I don't have room to add to the back (a portable fan is taking up space also). I read somewhere the bak pak 2 can also serve as a main filter.
Is there room to add fiber and/or carbon with the bio-bale it comes with? I think I would definitely need fiber to trap the debris I find when I rinse the M2k cartridge.
Is a skimmer even necessary for a my tank?
(I was tempted by a Skilter until I read reviews :scared: )


Skimmer, definately. Prizm has one that has an attachment that skims only the surface water and has something to run carbon. I just bought that upgrade today. Can't wait to get it.


Can anyone with a Bak Pak 2 tell me if it works as a filter as well?

(Thanks BamBam_250r, I'll read up on that Prizm too)