Cpr bak pak for trade

a short

Keep in touch, Do you like the backpak? I am still reaserching my options for a good skimmer for a 20 gal.


Active Member
I ran it on a 20g. reef with three fish a flame angel, damsel, green mandrin and it pulled out a good amount of gunk.. I think it is great for tanks up to 55g. I just recently upgraded to a 46g. bow that is gonna be a sps reef and my only filtration a skimmer,refugium, and liverock so I am getting an aquac ev 120 because I need a skimmer that could handle a bigger pump. I highly recomend for your 20g.


Active Member
I sent you both emails and I guess something got messed up or something because neither of you recieved the emails. a short replied back first and you never did so I just figured you hasd found a different one and was not interersted anymore. So I am just selling it to a short.

a short

I have not 100% decided if I want to spend that much on a used one just yet Flatz, I saw one on ---- go for $68. and one for like $30. with a small blemish. I am a housewife with no independant income and its hard to get hubby to agree for $80. If you know what I mean! I will get back with you if I decide to get it but if Jenn-e wants it I won't be upset. Thanks!


Active Member
I probably would not be able to get it out today because the hurricane is just sitting over to of my house and we keep losing power. luckily i have a laptop computer so when the power goes out i can still be on the computer. this the longest storm i've ever been threw it started saturday and now its monday and its still going. i've been locked in the house for all three days with my windows boarded up.