CPR hang on refugium.


I have two cpr HOB fuges, a small and a large. The larger (25") has a built-in Back Pac skimmer. The fuges are fine, but the skimmer is next to worthless--it either foams up and pulls nothing but water, or rarely does anything at all. I've adjusted it everyway possible, but with few working results. I know there's stuff in the water, because I put my old SeaClone back on and it pulled all kinds of stuff.
I would't advise spending the extra money for one with a skimmer. Otherwise, I like them. You will need to get a strip light if you want to grow macroalgae in it.


Active Member
I have a small one rigged to an eclipse sytem, dont ask me how,, mine came with the strip light and i absolutley love mine and my skimmer pulls out ALOT of dark crap daily, so i dont know if CORA has his adjusted properly or what, but i get alot of fine bubbles and alot of froth, mine is filled with miracle mud and alot of growing CHATOMORPHA ALGAE.. regards!


I like cpr products i have the skimmer to and i love it never had any problems with anything from them.


Active Member
I have my refugium on a timer 9am to 11:30pm and it seems fine, somepeople say to leave it on 24hrs but i dont see how that mimics mothernature..


Do you guys run it on the back of the tank or on the side? What kind of pump does it come with? Do micro bubbles enter the tank??


Active Member
some people have said that having the refugium and tank lights on at the same time messes up the ph.


Active Member
My CPR refugium PS small is rigged up on the side and it comes with a maxijet 1200 PW and mine also came with the light fixture and Lights as well,, really really quality and solidly built, it also comes with a new little fixture called "the bubble eliminator" which is nothing more that a little basket mesh filter that fits over the output that eliminates micro bubbles and i have to admit it actually works, no problem with my PH 8.2 and steady and I run my lights almost simultaneously with my tank lights 9am to 11.30pm,, regards


I have the larger CPR HOB fuge with PS..It has been working perfectly and in PS function as well....Caluerpa grows like mad....


Originally Posted by crzyfshygy
Do you guys run it on the back of the tank or on the side? What kind of pump does it come with? Do micro bubbles enter the tank??
What type of pump does the one without the PS come with?? They say it comes with a type of bubble diffuser......wont that defeat the purpose of pods comming into the display?????


I was thinking of getting a HOB refugium. One question, once u get lots of algae growing in the fuge, does it help keep algae from growing in the display???


Active Member
My CPR HOB PS.. has a ton of Chaeto/and green algae growing in it, but i have very little growing in my main tank, but i think that is because of my tangs and clean-up crew!!