CPR Hang-On Refugiums

nyy fan

I have not seen these in person, but am seriously considering one. I would like to have some place to cultivate pods and grow macro algae for help in nitrate reduction. I don't have a sump so this is the only way I can do a refugium.
Anybody seen one of these? Heard anything about them? Know where to get one for a decent price?

jason weber

i bought one and i hated it. i only had it on my tank for a few days. they are only four inches wide so there is not aolt of room for anything. save your money an buy an extra tank to make a refugium, IMO.


it dosnt surface skim, your better off with the ecosystem!

richard rendos

Active Member
I have one for sale. And CPR makes a add-on surface skimmer. The one I have for sale is the 24X4X12 model. It is the largest one. Comes with Rio pump but no light. $80 + shipping.

fish fry

I like it. I'm using their largest one on a 30 gallon tank. If you are a good DIY you might be able to come up with a larger one for less money.
Overall I'm happy with it. I would suggest replacing the rio ph with another one.


How much water volume does it hold? I am thinking of making a sump, and getting one of these to hang on the sump since I have a limited space under the tank.


Active Member
I dunno ...
I looked at them some time ago.
For what one costs $90-$120 bucks or so, I figured I could get an overflow/return pump and DIY refugium that holds a lot more water capacity, sand, rock and caulerpa, and not have something hanging off the side of my tank.
But I suppose for those that want this sort of hang-on refugium, or are limited for space ....... it's a pretty clever idea.

fish fry

How much water does it hold? Good question. I think it is around 3 gallons. I remember measuring it, I just don't remeber the results.
Somebody probably has the formula where you take the demensions of a container and figure out the gallons.