CPR HOB Skimmer


Active Member
I'm using one on my 15 reef tank. I have LR rubble and chaeto in the return side. The only problem I have is the bubbles in the tank. I'm going to try to re-plumb the outlet pipe someday.


I have one and love it. Very simple and efficient design. Keep it clean regularly(the pump too) and you'll have no problems.


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
I'm using one on my 15 reef tank. I have LR rubble and chaeto in the return side. The only problem I have is the bubbles in the tank. I'm going to try to re-plumb the outlet pipe someday.
Ho w do you have chaeto in your bak pak skimmer? Pics?


Active Member
Originally Posted by myzislow
Ho w do you have chaeto in your bak pak skimmer? Pics?
Mine is like a 2 chamber BakPak. 1 side for skimming, the water then flows from the bottom into another chamber that had bio-bale in it, then out a tube at the top. I took out the bio-bale and put in rubble on the bottom with the chaeto on top. It gets all the light it needs from the Sunpod 150W MH over the tank.
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Mine is like a 2 chamber BakPak. 1 side for skimming, the water then flows from the bottom into another chamber that had bio-bale in it, then out a tube at the top. I took out the bio-bale and put in rubble on the bottom with the chaeto on top. It gets all the light it needs from the Sunpod 150W MH over the tank.
Thats a good idea, i have chaeto in a suction cup soap dish in the tank, i would much rather have it somewhere else...


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Mine is like a 2 chamber BakPak. 1 side for skimming, the water then flows from the bottom into another chamber that had bio-bale in it, then out a tube at the top. I took out the bio-bale and put in rubble on the bottom with the chaeto on top. It gets all the light it needs from the Sunpod 150W MH over the tank.
ya, i have the bak pak 2r, the reef ready one that comes without the bio bale. It's the same thing as yours accept they don't send
any bio bale lol. That's a good idea. I know that my skimmer gets dirty in that chamber and that if u were to use the blue bio bale you would have to rinse or change it often as it becomes a nitrate factory. Do you find yourself taking the chaeto and rubble out to rinse it once in awhile? Unfortunately I would need to purchase some sort of small clip on light as my tank light doesn't come close to the skimmer. I need to get some chaeto in my tank soon tho as I'm having a bit of hair algae right now.


I have the same Skimmer. The only thing I cant get rid of is the small amount of micro bubbles. I am going to get a new Bio Bale as it was used and a bubble catch.
I have no complaints though easy to use and pretty quiet.
Ok, then my next question is...
I am currently running a Penguin HOB which i mainly use for carbon and flow, about 200gph. I also use filter floss in it. I assume that if i were to add this skimmer that it would take place of the HOB, correct? Can i run carbon in the return side of the skimmer? I am assuming that it will provide enough filtration that i wont need filter floss correct?
This will be going on a 30 gal with about 35lbs of live rock and 30lbs live sand...