I bought a Cpr Overflow for my 75 gallon reef tank this weekend. What a big mistake!
I've been working on it for the past 8 hours! I couldn't find any PVC pipe that would screw onto the bulkhead. So i get a 1/2 inch PVC pipe fitting to go into the bulkhead. i glued it with PVC adhesive. Then I had to jimmy a hose that would fit around the 1/2 inch PVCfitting. That took a while. While attaching the hose I ripped off the PVC fitting along with pieces of the CPR overflow bulkhead. So now I need to rig something up to make it work. I just can't believe why CPR Aquatics doesn't design a simple overflow. The bulkhead issue really erked me. Even the guys at Lowe's and Home Depot couldn't figure it out. Finally I just glued the pieces togethere.
Bottom Line is do not buy a CPR Siphon Overflow. I've been ripped off before, but this one is up there. Save your $100.00 or so and get a pre-drilled tank. Way better off. You learn form your mistakes. I know I did.
Darn CPR Overflow!!!!!!!!!!
Bottom Line is do not buy a CPR Siphon Overflow. I've been ripped off before, but this one is up there. Save your $100.00 or so and get a pre-drilled tank. Way better off. You learn form your mistakes. I know I did.
Darn CPR Overflow!!!!!!!!!!