CPR Overflow Question


Active Member
I recently set up a DIY refugium. All is working well but I'm not particularly happy with my overflow method. Functional but ugly :(
Does anyone have any experiences with CPR's hang-on overflows? For $70 for a piece of acrylic I would expect great things.

richard rendos

Active Member
I have had a couple in the past. What would you like to know? I found that hooking up a small rio pump to the siphon hole at the top helps keep siphon and restarts siphon after a power outage.


Active Member
I like the fact that they are flat taking up less space (less intrusive). And that they have a black air hose to connect to a pump to remove excess air. the dark hose prevents algae growth clogging it up and pumping out the air prevents you from having to restart the siphon when air accumulates and even prevides a easier way of starting the over flow.


Active Member
Thanks for the replys. I think I'm now leaning toward the "lifereefs." Hadn't even heard of them until now but they look like they do the trick without the extra ph needed by CPR.


do you need an extra power head to recover after power lose?
did you try to test this case?
i'm looking at the CPR over flow, because I only have 4.5 inches of space between my tank and the wall. I hope the CPR over will fit.
can you do me a favor, what is the width of the outsize over flow box?
Hey Krusk. I have CPR overflow, I'm not sure what model it is but it's the one that can provide up to 600 gph. I too have only 4.5 inches between my tank and the wall and the CPR overflow barely fits in there. The width of the outside container is about 4 3/8 inches.


oh darn
that mean the 1400 G flowrate are bigger then 4.5"
i'm screw
well that the case, i think, i'm gonna go for top less tank


Active Member
You don't need an extra power head. You just hook it to one you already have. I've even seen one hooked though a long hose to the sump return pump, thou I have tried this, I had power heads in the tanks and I just hooked them to the exisiting power heads.