cpr overflow really loud


Active Member
I hooked up my overflow today and it was really loud. like reall loud, This tank is in my room and there is no way i will be able to sleep if its that loud. Is there nay way to silence it or am i doing something wrong?


Active Member
when the u tubes dump into the little section before the drain and then when the water over flows into the drain its really loud when the water drains. LIke really loud u here loud sucking.


do you have filter sponges on them? if so, make sure they are clean. mine makes noise every now and then when my filter sponge is dirty. otherwise, mine is fairly silent. HTH!


Active Member
I have CPR overflows on both of my tanks. Did you get a little straw/tube type thing with your overflows? You should be able to insert that into the bulkhead in the bottom of the overflow. This allows air to escape from the downtube without "gurgling". The straw should have a small o-ring that you use to set the height of the straw in the bulkhead. Play around with different heights until you find what works best for you. It will make a difference, but there is no way to make them dead silent.


adjust the return water pump to pump in less water. what happen is not enough water is going into your sump, causing that fart sound.


Active Member
um, I think calvindo is right, but just typed wrong. If you can adjust the water flow from the sump in to the tank, reduce it a bit. This will slow the water flow into the overflow, which will slow the flow though the bulkhead into the sump.
What's happening is that water is flowing too fast out of the overflow, and air can't escape the downpipe. Have you ever poured soda too fast and had it "glup" out, rather than flow smoothly out of the bottle? The same thing is happening, only reverse. With the soda bottle, air can't flow into the bottle to replace the soda as fast as the soda is leaving the bottle. With your overflow, air can't escape the downpipe fast enough to keep up with the water that is forcing the air out in the first place.
Does that make any sense?
I'm going to attach a couple of pics of the straw thing I mentioned in my first post.


Active Member
The straw is supposed to give air an unobstructed path out of the downtube. In theory, that allows water to flow into the tube from the overflow and air to escape at equal rates, thus quieting the gurgle sound you are hearing. It takes some adjusting before you get it just right, but it does help a great deal.


Well-Known Member
interesting. I'll try the straw on my system.
I put a bunch of sponges over the top of my box to muffle the sound. Most of my noise is now from where the water runs into my filter box.


Active Member
ok but if i slow down the return the water will overflow out of the sump all over the floor, i will get pics up soon


Active Member
it shouldn't overflow the sump. If your CPR is setup correctly, water will only flow into it (and thus into the sump) as fast as the return pump pumps it into the tank.


The straw idea is a great one, i'll give it a try... But what i do to handle my gurgling problem is positioning my prefilter around the u-tubes at different heights to muffle the noise. I also added a little bit of filter on the inside of the pvc piping that goes down to the filter. It essentially slows down the suction of water from the overflow to allow more water to enter and go down at a time. I have a 1500 gph makita and i dont like slowing it down more than it already is. Works For ME!! Good Luck