CPR overflow


Has anyone used the CPR overflow boxes. I have a 55 that I want to build a sump for and am trying to get the most reliable parts. I am looking to get the 1200 gph overflow and have the mag1200 as my return. another question does anyone know where to get loc lines?
Thank you


Active Member
I have a CS-50. It came highly recomended by many on this board and man is it loud. GULP GULP GULP. It also requires a [plug in] airlift to remove the bubbles from overflow. I used a check valve instead of the airlift, but it isn't so reliable. Air still gets in and i need to suck it out. MMMMmmmmmm salt water.
Besides my gripes it works well. It has a better adjustment then my amiracle; I don't have to get my hands wet to change the water level. Sorry don't know what LOC lines are.


foot bag,
what size tank do you have it on. I am planning on buying the CPR 102 which has a flow rate of 1200gph for my 55. I am wondering if that is too much?? I want to eliminate PH's and figured a mag drive w/ 1100gph would give me adequate flow. Loc lines are the blank lines in the attached picture courtesy of Steveweast.


Active Member
I actually have it on a 7g nano. It is running at about 150 GPH, but would go up to 300.
You would be fine with a 1200GPH pump and overflow. That would be over 20X turnover and may be a little too quick until a few corals grow out, but you could use a valve to slow it down if nessecary. I love the idea of a closed loop instead of powerheads, looks like your setting up a nice system.
Oh yeah, loc lines. Don't know where to get them, sorry.


you will end up regretting the CPR overflow as it will eventually cause a flood. If you have no choice but to use one make 100% sure you use a PH on it to help remove the air bubbles. If you really do not want a flood some day use a Life reef overflow, you will not regret spending the little extra for the life reef. do a search on CPR overflows and you will see lot's of people use them and almost all end up regretting it.


does it lose vacuum? I am just trying to find one that will work 99.9% the time. Thanks for the lead


I have a CPR-CS90 on my 29G with a Mag 700 pump.....The box is rated for 600GPH but I have my pump going through a SWED with 4ft of head pressure I think it works out just fine. Yes its high reccomended by CPR that you get an "AquaLifter AW-20" pump it consintly pumps water from the C Syphin to the back of the overflow but more importantly will also pump airbubbles to the back also. You will always have a little air in the syphin but it won't break. Just keep it clean and your good to go, the pump is like 14 bucks and is a small price to pay i think for saving all that room in your tank. This over flow box is AWESOME AWESOME!
PS. it also has a durso so you will not get the gargle gargle sound from the flextubeing.


Active Member
CPR overflows work well if they are properly maintained and you have an understanding as a user that they require one more element that can fail (a pump; Aqualifter) than U-tube overflows. I've been using the 800 gph model for 18 months without a problem, but still look forward to the reef ready tank I'll be setting up this summer.
Do a search on the Stockman overflow. That may help your gurgling problems.


Active Member
I also run the CRP, not sure the model number anymore but its on my 55 gall which has about 17x turnover. Two tricks I have learned from running this for a few years.
1. attach it to a ph, but put it in ur sump, that way no air bubbles blow in ur main tank, works great have hand no problmes with it.
2. take a 6 inch piece of rigid tubing (about the size you would use for an air pump) attach another piece of flexible to it and put it down the pipe throat, adjust it up and down and away goes the gurgles. Next time around if it goes on me I will check around to see whats available, my concern is always loosing the siphon because if that hose slips off it gone.


Looks like some of you have older models because I just got mine and CPR has fixed alot of these problems your talking about.


Active Member
Mine is brand new also and I still have these problems. Slows down, gurgles, needs aqualifter... I don't think that i would buy the same one if I could do it again. It was the only one that fit behind my tank though.
Ive never had a problem with mine. I started by using the gravity method and went to the powerhead method. I found that it slowed down witht he PH method. I went back to the gravity syphon and have never had a problem since. Also, whwn setting it up plan for syphon loss and set up your fuge or sump accordingly. I simply put my return pump on a little shelf held on by suction cups about 3/4 up in my sump and left my DT with a little space to be capable of holding the 1/4 of water that the pump would send to the Dt. The CPR is very quiet as well.