cpr paks


Are these a good item to get if you have a low end protein skimmer and a penguin 330 and fluval 404.
I need to upgrade on my 75.
Help me make my decesions
Thank you:D


id say just sped the extra money and get a really good one if you upgrade the tank you wont have to get a mew skimmer
look at spending a few hundred dallors if not than your going to have to get a dual bakpak
my opinion and I also have 75 GAL
peace Robert


Active Member
I agree . . . . while bak pak's do a fantastic job on smaller tanks (under 30) I wouldn't use it on anything over 40.
Invest the money . . . you'll be glad that you did.
Another option may be to DIY . . . not sure how crafty you are, but this is also an option.