CPR Skimmer and Maxi-jet people...Help.


For all those skimmer experts out there. Would a Maxi-jet 400 with 106 GPH work for the CPR Bak Pak because isn't the goal of a skimmer to have the longest contact time of water with bubbles. If you get a powerful pump on it doesn't it just blast the water through? Or is the Maxi-jet 400 not strong enough or does it not produce many bubbles?


Active Member
In theory you are correct, the longer the contact time, the more effective. BUT, this is best achieved by increasing the height and size of the skimmer chamber.
The 400 would not be as good compared to the 1200 because, while true that it would slow the water down, it may not be fast enough for the impeller to generate sufficiet or small enough bubbles.
Go for the 1200 . . . just open the air valve all the way and it will slow GPH WAY down.