CPR skimmer problems


New Member
Every now and then my skimmer puts out all these little bubbles. I have the sponge in there to prevent this, but sometimes it happens. Scenario is usually always the same: I mix between flakes one day, then frozen cubes the next. On the days that I do the frozen cubes, it periodically causes the skimmer to overflow (although not necessarily always the dirty stuff). And then after the skimmer overflows, it starts putting out the tiny bubbles. First - does anyone experience this or know how to prevent it? Also, the skimmer, IMO, doesn't put out that much junk. I've read several times where this should be emptied every three days. But mine doesn't seem to fill up except for occasionally after feeding as described above. Any thoughts on this from anyone?


First I assume you're talking about the back pac-but is it the one with the bio-filter on one side or the one without?? Frozen fish food should not cause any type of hyper reaction. Are you sure the sponge is fitted the right way? When I adjusted mine once I shoved it too far and it clogged it so it started to overflow the bio-part. If it is not removing anything try adjusting the cup down. Is the tank brand new or the skimmer itself brand new? Both of those are factors as well.


New Member
The CPR is the Bak Pak with the bio-bale on the side. I think I'm pretty sure that the sponge is in there correctly (but I tend to doubt myself a lot). But this problem ONLY has happened after a feeding of the frozen food - never just out of the blue and never when feeding with the flakes; but not ALWAYS after a frozen cube feeding either. The tank has only been up since 2/14 and the CPR has only been there since about a month ago. I was thinking that perhaps the tank is too new to have a lot of junk yet. Is that what you were also suggesting?