Crab and anemone problem


I just got a sebae anemone and placed it in my 30 gallon reef tank. A couple hours later I noticed my crab sitting underneath the anemone and picking at it occasionally. There is also a clownfish that is trying to protect the anemone from the crab. The crab has never been a problem until now. When I stocked the tank with live rock the crab came with it. The crab looks like an emerald crab except it is rust colored. It's pinchers are not sharp. Is the crab harming the anemone? Do I need to get rid of the crab? If so, any suggestions.


It would depend on the crab... there is an anemone crab that lives in anemones, I've got acouple in my tanks. Anemone crabs have two larger claws and two filter feeding arms. Most I've seen are white, covered in spots to give them color.
Hope this helps.


Yeah, i'm familiar with anemone crabs and this is definitely not one. He really looks like a rust colored emerald crab...exactly like one. Also, he has never been a problem before. But if he picks at the anemone will he rip it accidentally??? Thanks, David


In a clean up crew package I got from this site I recieved 3 green emerald crabs and 1 red one. I have never seen a red one before but it is a emerald crab. Exact replicas of each other with a different color. It should be okay.