Crab anemones


Active Member
Says it eats small fish, snails, and worms. Not a good nano canidate. How about one in a 10g with low lighting?
Three Hermit Crabs of the Dardanus sp. have formed a symbiotic relationship with the anemone Calliactis polypus with which it shares a home: D. pedunculatus (Indian Ocean), D. tinctor (Red Sea), and D. deformis (Great Barrier Reef).
The anemone attached to the shell provides camouflage, protection, and the two invertebrates share food. In the wild, when the crab moves the anemone about the reef, it helps the anemones disperse. When the crab outgrows its shell, it will leave it behind and find a new, larger shell and transfer the anemone on to it or select a larger anemone.
This Hermit Crab prefers an aquarium with large amounts of stable rock work and dim light. The Hermit Crab is aggressive and makes a poor candidate for a reef or peaceful fish aquarium. It will eat fish, snails, and worms, but also detritus and some algae. As it grows, it will need larger shells, therefore multiple sizes of gastropod shells should be available to it.
If there is insufficient algae to eat, dried seaweed should be provided. Molluscs, worms, and other meaty items can be provided.
What would be good tank mates if any?


Active Member
Here's more info.
The Anemone Hermit Crab will place uses its shell just like any other hermit crab, the main difference is that this hermit crab places certain types on anemones on its shell for additional protection. The crab and anemones create a symbiotic relationship. Hermit Crabs are found on sandy areas surrounding reefs rather than moving about on them. These active creatures spend their time scavenging for food and make excellent partners in algae management. If added in large numbers, they will quickly rid the aquarium of algae and will move on to polyps, and other small animals. Will also steal food from sessile invertebrates.
Will eat filamentous algae and cyanobacteria. Feed meaty bits such as raw table shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, silver sides, scallop, clam and mussel. They will appreciate offerings of Nori or other vegetation as well. Feed once or twice a week depending on amount of Hermit Crabs vs. amount of available food for them to forage on their own.