Crab babies?


I came home the other day to find one of my emerald crabs dead on a piece of rock. I grabbed it and was about to flush it when I noticed that it's little belly flap thing was hanging open and full of eggs. Since I have several emerald crabs in my tank I thought it might not be impossible that they were furtalized so I set up a small container with my tank's water and a couple tiny pieces of LR and put the eggs in it, not really expecting anything.
Much to my complete amazement it appears that the eggs have hatched. I have a bunch of tiny, almost microscopic dots swimming around in the water that weren't there before. Could these possibly be larval em crabs? Has anyone else ever done this before? Is there anything I should feed them?
If they don't make it I won't be upset or anything, I just think this is fascinating and I never expected them to actually hatch. If they do survive however I would be kinda excited. Any advise anyone?


Active Member
Now that is really freakin' cool! So they're in a completely separate tank, i.e. no predators? If I were you, I'd place an algae sheet in there for them, otherwise just let them be. Make sure your filters don't grab the little guys!


I don't have any filters or powerheads in there. The guy at my lfs said that they'll get sucked in if I put one in with them.


Active Member
Yeah, they definitely would. I know nothing about their growth rate, but I say feed them and see what happens. You may have the motherload of LFS credit :)


That would be awesome for sure. Most crabs stay larvae for well over a month so the chance of survival is pretty slim. Id prob just dump back into tank to feed the others.


Active Member
both my emerald crabs did this, i just left them in the tank for food for everyone else, maybe if it works out for you ill do the same thing next time...


Active Member
Can you post some pics?
Also read up and what they say about breeding fish, Maybe the same advise will help with the crabs. You need like an airstone in there or them in a breeder net in the tank. And something about green water to feed. There should be info on here.


If they are in their own tank I say put some brine shrimp eggs in with them and drop in a small air stone for a little circulation and see if they make it. I belive kent makes a food for brine shrimp, I'd be willing to bet that the baby em crans will eat the same for a little while. probaly any very fine filter feeder food would do. how about some pics, and keep us posted.