Crab I.D. please??


I been watchin this lil guy peeking out of LR for almost a year now, and hes still the size he was when I found him. Not growing but seems healthy. A tad bit less then an inch total length.


Active Member

Originally posted by kpk
maybe some kind of porcelin crab

definately not a porcelain crab, maybe a sally light foot.:thinking:

nm reef

Active Member
Not a species that I've ever seen...bangguy may be able to help with a positive ID...has it ever been a problem? Definitely looks strange...:thinking:

nm reef

Active Member
...and here I was thinkin' you'd be able to provide a full description and detailed feeding/mating/life cycle background...shows what I get for thinkin'!!:D


Well I take that back. I looked real close and noticed the claws were much thinner than I thought they were. Sorry


There is an article in the 12-03 issue of Reefkeeping Online. It may steer you in the right direction vis-a-vis narrowing the possibilities.


Thanks everyone. Hes never been a problem, just hangs out in the rock and grabs a piece of food now & then. Hes more brown in color then this pic shows, with white lines under his claws. Only way I was able to get him for the pic, he "somehow" made it into the overflow box to the wetdry....was cleaning the filter sponge and almost washed him out. Hes back in his rock now.:jumping:
rock crab maybe? he looks alot like a bunch of crabs we had in our first live rock we got about 9 months ago, i thought someone IDed him as a rock crab or something like that. ours never seemed to grow either and just pop out of the crack in the rocks and eats algea on the rock work. havent seen any for a long time now, since we got about 90lbs of rock in there now. right try searching for rock crab. HTH.