Crab ID, Any Expert Ideas??


I found this in my tank, The tank has been up and running for about 6 months. I have not added anything in over 2 months. This guy poped out today. He is in with 2 star fish, 2 Blue Damsels, and a Hermit crab with anemone attached. So I know he is safe with them. But I have no Idea what he is or if he is safe with corals, featherdusters, etc.??



Spanko, thats what I wast thinking, But I have 3 emerald crabs in my 29 gallon. They look a little like this one, but color is wrong and the legs look different. Claws and Body shape is very close. Are there different types of Emerald Crabs?? This guy probably came out of the Atlantic Ocean. I've added some beach combing items to this tank. This is only a 15 gallon Hex tank. The only thing that came from the LFS is the LR and the Damsils.
I've actualy got some interesting critters in tide pools..One is the Hermit trio in the 2nd,3rd & 4th pics.
First pic is the crab I need ID on......
O-Yeah before I forget,,Spanko do you realize if you and Meowzer would get together you could call yourself.



Active Member
That is great, I love tide pool tanks. Do you collect gorgonians of any plant and coral life from there also?
As for spanking the cat well.............


I have only collected for this little tank, A sand sifting star. A Sea Star, The hermit trio, and small pieces of the red plant material you can see in the pic. I had some clams but the hermit ate them. See they empty shell in front of the crab.
Now, Now poor kitty, No need to get your fur in a


Originally Posted by koldsouth
I have only collected for this little tank, A sand sifting star. A Sea Star, The hermit trio, and small pieces of the red plant material you can see in the pic. I had some clams but the hermit ate them. See they empty shell in front of the crab.
Now, Now poor kitty, No need to get your fur in a
Are you kidding!!! Just look what that suggestion did to me
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