Crab ID, Please Help!


New Member
I noticed this crab hiding, I could only see his legs and from the research I made it looked like it couldnt be a fish killer! lol but when i got him out.. i noticed his body wasnt black like the one I read about. So can someone help me out? is it safe to be in my tank??



that second one looks like a teddy bear.I found a crab similar to the 1st one you show in my father in laws' tank a couple weeks back.I'm kind of interested in finding out if he's reef safe or not.


New Member
That's a Red Rock Crab and while being rather benign as juveniles they are extremely predatory as adults with large claws capable of crushing other crabs and snails, also can move very large pieces of rock. Very enjoyable in a species tank though since they eat with such gusto.
Definatley Not Reef Safe