Crab Id please


New Member
Hi. I am new to saltwater tank ownership. We started our tank less than a month with live rock from our LFS. We have two crabs that come along with the rock (we didn't find them until they crept out later that day). I was finally able to get a pic. Any help would be great!


Hard to tell from the back but could be a Strawberry crab/Red Boxing Crab.
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If it is a Strawberry crab it is a good crab to have much like the emerald crab.
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It does look like Liomera Sp (Red Boxing Crab). What do the claw tips look like? These are safe, for the most part. They could bother gobies during the night, but not likely. You should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell from this image, but it DOES look to be a member of the Mithrax genus. Mostly harmless, but like all crabs...they are omnivores, not herbivores, and may develop a liking for coral or fish steaks. Typically never a threat to healthy fish, but I have seen one reach out ant take a swipe at a fin or a seahorse tail before. Just something to be aware of.