Crab ID


Today I found a crab about 2 inches wide, 1 inch tall with red eyes and big pinchers. I've bene looking at all of the hitchhiker IDs but keep coming up short. If I could catch him I would take a picture. I also saw him chasing my yellow watchman. In the past, I have had a few fish come up missing... can anyone help ID him? Anyone have a good idea on how to catch him? Thanks! :help:


New Member
Any idea on color and pattern? Can you get him off the bottom or out of a LR with tweezers or something?


HAHA! I caught the bugger. Okay.. he is about 2 inches in length and 1 inch tall. His legs are really short but bulky (looks strong). He is a dark brown color and his shell looks really bumpy. The main thing that sticks out are those scary red eyes. I couldn't sleep last night so around 2am I got up and I saw him snacking on a Turbo. I snuck up from behind and caught him in my net then threw him in the QT. He seems to only come out at night. Let me know if you guys know what he is. I wish I had a picture but my camera is really low quality. Thanks!


They looked so mewhat pointy. I took him to the LFS and found out he was a rock crab. Now I know where a few of my fish went..... thanks for your help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
If I could catch him I would take a picture... I caught the bugger.


Good that you caught him....I had one for months and was losing fish like crazy couldn't figure it out. Finally I took apart my rockwork and there he was....about 3-4 inches. Nasty thing...ran sideways. Took him to my lfs and they said it was a rock/stone crab. Through it in with an undalated trigger.....made a nice meal for the trigger.