Crab id


found a crap tonight on one of my sps sorry dont have a pic but will work on one(camera battery went dead). But its white and furry looking and tip of claws are black. any one got any idea

scuba diva

Definately need a pic. Is it a type of hermit or could it be a porcilain crab? Anywho, a pic will be your best friend. Can't wait to see it!


Active Member
How furry?
This guy is actually pretty white right now... this is an old pic. He is commonly called a teddybear crab..... mean little teddy bear though....

scuba diva

Originally Posted by Cranberry
How furry?
This guy is actually pretty white right now... this is an old pic. He is commonly called a teddybear crab..... mean little teddy bear though....

I love teddy bears! They are so cute and fun to watch!


Active Member
Originally Posted by snowrider84
ok here are the pics they didnt turn out great but here they are it doesnt look as hairry as divas teadybear
Is there a chance he lost his hair? I wish I had of taken a pic of mine last month. He was in the rockwork FOREVER. We thought he had died. And then like 5 months later he appears completely bald. The hair came back in patches and now he is white.


Active Member
My best advice to you would be to keep him out of the tank until you get a positive ID. Working on a better picture will make a HUGE difference, although I know sometimes it's hard if you don't have the equipment.


yeah the pic looked alot better before i had to crop it downto post it. ill get a better one tomorrow. thanks for the help ill sleep better


Active Member
I'll yank him out tomorrow and see how much hair he has grown back.... he's a sump dweller so I'm not really sure how much is back.


Hope you don't mind too terribly much, Snowrider84, but I'm hijacking this thread ..... It has the perfect title for what I need.....ID of crabs!!
Here are some hitchhikers. Please ID if possible:
#1 is an ordinary crab, reddish in color. The one pictured is on the small side. Have found guys like the one pictured in my hard coral.
Attachment 208535
Attachment 208536
Attachment 208537
#2 & #3 are the hermit crabs shown in the last photo above. We'll call #2 the bigger one in back and #3 the littler one in front. Their bodies, legs particularly, seem to be the same, but their shells are different. As you can see, the front legs almost look black with white spots, but that appearance is belied by these two photos, which make those legs looks red or orange-ish. Note the penny for a size comparison.
Attachment 208538
Attachment 208539
Thanks for the help. I got 2 more crabs to ID, but can only put 5 pics in a post. so ...on the the next post.....



# 4 (on left) and #5 (on right) are depicted here. #5 (on right) is just a local hermit crab which I picked up either on the beach or in the marsh. These guys are brown and can grow much bigger. I had a a big one on the tank, but the clumsy oaf broke some of my hard coral, so now I've taken them all out.
#4 on the left is a mystery to me. His body is white/beige. His claws are the big fat, round kind, not the usual long and skinny kind. Clealry shown io the photo, his shell has a definite striation pattern of coloration. He is very shy. In this photo, you can see him coming out. When he's hiding, he places his claws over the opening and very effectively seals it shut, presenting a flat shield.
Attachment 208540