Crab issue?


I got a orange/red (looks more orange) hermit crab as a hitchiker on some LR. I was watching him yesterday and he is eating my Coraline Algae off the rocks! What is the deal with this guy? Should I send him packing or keep him? I will try and get a picture later.


New Member
Any hermit crab that eats algae will eat coraline algae. It's a worthy trade off to me and everyone i know looking at everything else they eat.


Active Member
Throw him in the sump. It's really up to you, as for me I don't like crabs as they all seem to eventually pick at coral
Stick with snails.


New Member
I disagree i have never seen my hermits eating my coral. they do go in my polyps and pick at the rock in between but not the coral itself. Some crabs are not reef safe but if you have a reef system you should do all the research you can before buying anything to put in it. Some bad hermits will eat coral but the ones you buy like blue, white , scarlet and zebra are all good.


Active Member
here's a quote i found that pretty much sums it up-
"I do not allow any of the free ranging species of crabs within my own aquarium system simply because they are all omnivores, capable of getting by on algae, but should they find that meatier items are easily available within your aquarium, such as snails, tube worms and a host of other inverts, they can become quite efficient little predators. The hermit crabs are often sold in great numbers as members of a clean up crew package. This may be fine for fish only systems that the crabs have little chance to be of harm, but within a reef aquarium that strives to keep a diversity of life, they can and will become very detrimental to the goal of maintaining any diversity of life. These concerns apply to all crabs, including the popular "emerald" crabs sold for algae control. The only crab species that I allow within my system are those that are commensals, never leaving their host coral or anemone."


Originally Posted by Mr_X
here's a quote i found that pretty much sums it up-
"I do not allow any of the free ranging species of crabs within my own aquarium system simply because they are all omnivores, capable of getting by on algae, but should they find that meatier items are easily available within your aquarium, such as snails, tube worms and a host of other inverts, they can become quite efficient little predators. The hermit crabs are often sold in great numbers as members of a clean up crew package. This may be fine for fish only systems that the crabs have little chance to be of harm, but within a reef aquarium that strives to keep a diversity of life, they can and will become very detrimental to the goal of maintaining any diversity of life. These concerns apply to all crabs, including the popular "emerald" crabs sold for algae control. The only crab species that I allow within my system are those that are commensals, never leaving their host coral or anemone."
I spoke with my LFS and he said he would take them. So back home they will go!


New Member
my emerald crab has killed a star fish and now he just killed a beautiful yellow peel angel. i cant believe he took out a 50 dollar fish. im so mad right now.


Active Member
i don't think that's possible. i think your lemon peel angel was sick to begin with, and so was your starfish.