Crab killed Clam & StarFish eat Clam


I have witness(I did not get my Digital Camera fast enough) my Emerald crab accidently crawed inside my clam(big clam, about 180 lbl man's fisk) then the next day my clam never close again(I think the crab legs have damage my clam internal organ). I have no idea what happen to the crab.
That following night, when the lights were off for about 15 mins, I am currious about the clam. I used a flash light and shine at my clam, guess what I saw, a britle star fish was eating the clam. The star try to drag the clam body(meat or what ever you called it) into the rock(I grap my Digital Camera and got some shoot at night with my flash light). I got scared so I turned the light back on and took few more pictures of the star eating the clam then remove the dead clam off my tank.
I wonder what happen to my nitrate and nitrite level, I can't really change any water in the tank yet because my Cinamon clan are about to lay eggs.
What should I do?, any one else have the same experience?


I saw my brittle star sucking up an anemone a couple of years ago. I pulled him off but too late for the anemone.
As far as I can tell he has not touched another one. I have two in the tank now.


Active Member
Hey That's why you put that star in the tank wasn't it? Your clam was either dying or dead and beginning to emit ammonia - this is a call to the scavengers in the tank (crabs, stars, shrimp, and some fish) who's sole purpose is to clean the reef of dead things.
These animals are one of the reasons why a reef has no overgrown algae growth anywhere (nothing to spawn it)