Crab molting question


New Member
My husband and I just bought a new house with an aquarium in November, and we are slowly learning about our new saltwater fish. We bought two hermit crabs in November. When I bought new shells for the crabs my larger crab molted. Which was fairly traumatic because I thought he was a goner. However, a few days ago he was all over the tank eating, looking great, and in his new shell. Now, I cannot find him again, nor can I find the smaller crab. Could he be molting again? Is there another step to the molting process? I have been adding calcium to the water, could this be effecting his need to molt? Thank you for any advice you may have.


Active Member
I don't think hermit crabs molt. When they get larger they will seek a larger shell to occupy, but their ecoskeleton stays together - they just move to another shell when they've outgrown theirs. Do you have a picture of these hermit crabs? Did you mean to say a shrimp? The inverts that do molt will molt pretty often, my peppermint shrimp molts every other months or so, maybe more.
Are you testing for calcium? Why are you adding it? Do you have coral that need the calcium suppliment?
Welcome to the boards, look forward to helping you out down the road of this addicting hobby :)
my hermit crabs molt all of the time. they leave behind what looks like legs and a small belly piece. that's normal. it could be that your crab is just touring the tank, dont worry about it. i dont see 1/2 of my 15 crabs all the time.


Active Member
Well heck, sorry about that earlier post - i guess i was assuming they just died, glad to see my hermits have been molting and not dying :)

ric maniac

Active Member
i dont see my hermits half the time. they are probably just roaming their territory lol. when you see the molt you should take it out and smell it. if it smells rotten its a dead crab, if it is odorless, put it back in the tank because the molts help your calcium levels.


Originally Posted by Stacyadless
My husband and I just bought a new house with an aquarium in November, and we are slowly learning about our new saltwater fish. We bought two hermit crabs in November. When I bought new shells for the crabs my larger crab molted. Which was fairly traumatic because I thought he was a goner. However, a few days ago he was all over the tank eating, looking great, and in his new shell. Now, I cannot find him again, nor can I find the smaller crab. Could he be molting again? Is there another step to the molting process? I have been adding calcium to the water, could this be effecting his need to molt? Thank you for any advice you may have.
Welcome to the boards
Test your calcium to be sure that it isn't too high. Inverts of any kind often hide after they molt while their new shell hardens.