crab too big? standard?


I have a 10 gallon reef setup with 1 clown gobie, 1 bicolor blennie, many inverts, and minimal corals (clove, rics, shrooms).
I was just curious, at what stage does a crab become too large for a tank of this size? I'm sure there is no standard, but I wanted to ask because recently, I noticed that one of my crabs has been somewhat disturbing my corals.
I have a zebra hermit that is now approximately 1 inch in diameter. If he even walks on a ricordea, the ricordea gets all shriveled up. I don't think that it is necessarily damaging the corals, but it seems to be bothering them quite a bit.
Should I give the crab back to the LFS?


Active Member
He's ok. The 2 fish are a big bioload for a 10 tho. Make sure you watch your water quality! :D

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
you're fine with those fish, as both are small. Hermits of any size with walk across corals. Mine stomp across my zo's all the time, and they are back to normal in no time. You're ricordia should be fine.


lol zebra hermits? 1 inch? Just wait, that bugger will get huge. I have 2 that are about 3" now in only a few months. I think, dont quote, but zebra can get up to around 4-5" or so.
As far as damaging coral, mine never nip at anything, but like to go around like a bull in a china shop. They aren't very agile to say the least. Make sure your rock is sacked or glued well as well as coral.
Have fun!