Honestly, I don't know what the crab is or it's effect, but if you have seen the movie Old School and the tranquilizer dart scene, you may get a kick out of atf88 saying "is this bad?"
i dont have a camera, and i havnt seen him in a while now i should really pick up a book or two :thinking: does some 1 else have a picture mayB that i could compare to???
Originally posted by tarhull87
but if you have seen the movie Old School and the tranquilizer dart scene, you may get a kick out of atf88 saying "is this bad?"
thats funny :hilarious
Describe if you can the claws, not that it will help identify him but you can tell by the claws if he may be a meat eater and preditory or a grazer like emerald crabs. This should give you a clue as to how much you may need to watch him.