

Active Member
It looks like a devil!!
Seriously, I've never seen a crab like that... or at least, I can't tell from the pictures. Weird. :notsure:


Active Member
He is a brownish grey color. The camera put the purple in there. He is not purple. He has no black on his claws. I have an emerald whose body is kind of the same color but his claws are for sure green, this one does not have green claws.


Active Member
If you look at the top picture his claws look fairly straight. Is that what you are talking about? If they were cupped, do you mean curved?


Active Member
when the claws are open, do the points look cupped like the emeralds or sharp. the pic's a tad fuzzy to really see.


Active Member
Like do they have little teeth in them? Don't know that have not seen him that close yet. I think it is going to go the way of the bottle trap tonight and every night till I catch him. Then off to the LFS. If they know anything about it (that's probably a big if) I will let you all know. Thank you for the help.


Active Member
probably the safest. that or put in your fuge if you have one, or get ahold of Smork... i haven't seen her post recently, but she's been looking for crazy crabs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
It looks like a devil!!
I agree. I would call a preist immediately.
Whatever it is, beelzebub or not, I agree you should banish it to the fuge.


they are the devil!! destructive and it will taunt you and elude you. I got to feeling like Bill Murray in Caddyshack trying to get rid of the gopher. I ended up naming the thing but it's not suitable for putting on here where young eyes might see it.


Active Member
Welll I tried the bottle trap last night. Caught 2 Nassirius snails and a peppermint shrimp.

This is now crab Jihad, the mother of all crab wars. I will keep you posted.


Originally Posted by spanko
Welll I tried the bottle trap last night. Caught 2 Nassirius snails and a peppermint shrimp.

This is now crab Jihad, the mother of all crab wars. I will keep you posted.

LOL I feel your pain! do you know where he's living?


Active Member
Yep. He is living in between a couple of rocks in the sand right out in the front of the tank. Comes out very cautiously during feeding. But moves with great stealth at the smallest movement outside the tank. Nasty little bugger. I'll get him if I have to use weapons of mass distruction.


Active Member
Haven't tried yet. they are two small pcs under on large, but he is so wary of movement I don't know if he will grab the rock. I will try this also.
I had one of these he was white smaller than yours with two very small rearmost legs he used them to keep himself wedged into a hole in the rock whenever I tried to get him out. Watched him with joy and facination until.....Suspected to be responsible for sudden death of my neon goby. Barricaded himself in hole in rock using smaller pieces of rock during day. Never identified true name dug him out of rock and disposed of. Use shrimp in bottle trap. Good luck MBintraining