

looks like a black emerald crab to me . usually the blunt claws are good guys usually eating algae and left overs but are oportunisric feeders.
here is a pic of my emerald crab to caompare them


New Member
I have seen those before. Usually they are a stowaway on your live rock. It looks like a rock or stone crab and is really reef safe like an emerald. I have seen them knock over alot of stuff in my reefs. They can get huge. I've seen small, about an inch, all they way up to 3 inches. Be careful man.


Active Member

Originally posted by uncletobal
not reef safe , that is, like an emerald.

Are you saying emeralds are not reef safe? Not sure on the exact id- but looking at the flat claw end structure would lead me to think that it should be fine


New Member
yes i said emeralds are fine. What I see in the crabby picture is kind of black like a rock crab, which can turn to be a reef nuisance, and grow large. I speak from experience.


I just saw one of those in my tank the other night while playing around in the dark,with a flashlight.Does he have striped looking legs with little spikey looking hairs on them?I was'nt able to get a pic....he was way too fast getting away.I was glad I caught this post to help me out!:D


New Member
i'm not here to argue kickster. i'm not bragging about my wealth of reef knowledge. my term "experience" came from dealing with these critters. I will reiterate myself, it appears to be a non reef safe crab, something like a rock crab or stone crab.:) I don't doubt your enthusiasm or knowledge. Isn't posting replies a way of expressing an opinion? Peace everbody.


New Member
good point sammy, i have had huge emeralds which do suddenly turn a meaty eater when they get a bit of size on them. case in point, size really does matter. buy your emeralds small.


Sorry, OT a little. I bought a green emerald and didn't notice till later that he is missing 2 of his legs on the left side. Will they grow back?


Active Member
i dunno, the crab in question looks nasty and warrants pulling him out,. however teh disc shape picncer ends lead me to believe that he could possibly eat algae as well, as the claw structure he is showing is for scarping rocks of algae. this is a tough one. id still say pull him out thoug, bt done kill him, maybe set him up in another tank!
good luck