crabs and shrimp and stars...

nm reef

Active Member
My trio of sexy shrimp.....its been suggested that I name them (in no particular order) Thomas...bang.....and beth......what ya think? Should the names stick?

nm reef

Active Member
A little closer look at the happy threesome......can't tell who is who...but they are all sort of sexy huh?

nm reef

Active Member
Folks swear they are prone to murder each other...but mine play nice together....for the most part...

nm reef

Active Member
Same star climbin' the glass.....hope you enjoyed my shots of crabs and shrimp and stars...I have several other species livin' in my reef...but sadly these are all the pics I have to share for now....hope you enjoy them.....


Active Member
Are you sure thats red? It looks pretty orange so one of us is color blind lol :rolleyes: . As for the acropora crab "I have never seen one so I dont see it" Can you help me out? The rest look good I want a tiger pistol so bad! But I have to wait im still working on my light. I have to get a new bulb :mad: my mom broke it!


Active Member
i believe the acropora crab is the white thing in between each branch of the coral.
That sucks about your lights. I ordered the same ones, but a bulb broke in the mail, so the guy is sending another.... should get it on monday or tuseday.javascript

nm reef

Active Member
OK...lets call it orangish/ me it looks red....the pic on my monitor looks reddish/orangish......lets poll the it red or orange?
The acropora crab is the white creature with the black mark on the face....hidden in the coral...they normally live within the SPS corals and groom the branch's while they feed...harmless little creatures......


Active Member
Awsome pics. I too am a preacher that all types of hermit crabs live together peacefully. I have three types in my tank that all chill together.


New Member
Great Pics! I love starfish! Anyone here a self proclaimed authority on starfish care? I have a chocolate chip that I had to relocate due to ich. My local aquatic specialty shop said to remove them and treat the water with copper. I am hearing bad stuff about copper now! But, never the less, we put the copper in and were told to remove the carbon filters for a while. We were also advised to replace the carbon when we are ready to remove the copper from the system. How long after putting the copper back, and I would suppose water changes as well, before my beloved star can come back to his home?

nm reef

Active Member
There is a resident starfish expert...but she is on a vacation right a few days she should be back. My understanding is copper can have lethal effects.....I'd procede with extreme caution...or wait and check with folks that can address your concerns. I do know I'd never treat my display with copper...not for any reason. I just have way too much in there that would suffer and be lost. My understanding is copper treatments should take place in a hospital tank or quarientine tank...never in the main display.:thinking:


Active Member
That my understanding. Copper can call all inverts "starfish, Corals, Anemones, Crabs and Snails" Any invert can be killed by even the tiniest amount of copper! Even fish can die from copper "though more is needed to kill them".