crabs and shrimp and stars...


Active Member
Copper denatures protein. The simple circulatory systems of inverts allows the copper to easily mix with the proteins inside.


New Member
:happyfish WOW! I am learning so much! Thanks for all the help, I cannot wait to talk to more people about my tank. I regret using the copper now. But, let's not dwell on that. My next question, I guess, is "now what?"
thanks so much for everyone's replies!

ems freak

New Member
nm reef, nice pics!! i saw you red star fish and i have the same question is what do you feed it, i was always told that it just eats algea...not sure about this. also does your pistol bother your sexy shrimp? i was interested in getting a few sexy shrimp... thx nice tank

nm reef

Active Member
I don't try to feed the basically feeds off what it finds in the aquarium....algaes/bacterias...whatever it finds to its liking. The pistol really bothers nobody....except for borrowing under the LR....I keep the sexys...a pair of skunk cleaners...and a pair of blood reds...along with several problems amoung them at all.


Active Member

Originally posted by ems freak
nm reef, nice pics!! i saw you red star fish and i have the same question is what do you feed it, i was always told that it just eats algea

If you don't have a large mature reef tank with lots of LR - lets say 100lbs minimum, try to feed it. It does not feed on algae and detritus in the implied sense...
I would try to feed it ANYTHING - meaty or algae...especially try some of the frozen angel foods that have a large sponge compotent.
Nice tank NM! :D