Crabs and Snails and Stars... Oh My!


Basically Aagae control critters.
Any opinions on quantity (#/gal) or favorite type?
My tank is approaching the end of the cycle and I've been fortunate enough to avoid an algae bloom thus far. I'd like to be proactive in supplying algae control for the tank and honestly, I'd be interested in watching the little buggers wander around the tank!
My gut reaction is to plop in the Big 20 plus a couple brittle stars from I have a 135 gal tank, but it's presently a FO tank.
Attach some pics if you have em!
If you dont have an algae problem I wouldn't add too many clean up critters otherwise you will have to feed them extra.
Are you planning on putting live rock in?? For a FO tank with no live rock you won't need as many janitors as in a reef tank.
Brittle stars will need to be spot fed shrimp or silversides, if not, they may get aggressive and try to catch and eat the fish. Many people have witnessed this.
A cleaner shrimp would be a nice addition to your tank once it has stablized. They will aid in keeping the fish parasite free. plus they are fun to watch.
My suggestion would be to start with a small cleanup package, and add more if needed later. you don't want your inverts to have to compete for food. Most of the clean up crews on this site have a good mix of inverts. You will want to avoid sand bed sifters since you have CC, if I remember correctly.


I waited until I started a good base of corraline and green algae on the back wall of the tank before I started adding a clean up crew. I don't want the little guys to go hungry. I am getting ready to order one of the packages from SWF since my crew is seriously fighting a losing battle right now :D


Outside of the algae, won't the hermits and such eat the 'debris' in the tank such as some fish waste and leftover food?
I'm going to add a couple of crabs today and see how things go.


Active Member
I'm with the start slow and add as needed group. I think the "Cleanup packages" can have too many. I lost a lot of snails in the beginning. Then I scaled back and only added clean up 3 or so at a time as I saw the algae building.
Yes the hermits will eat the left overs that hit the bottom, but spend most of the time scouring the LR. That is why I suggest starting small. Add more as needed.