crabs and starfish together?


New Member
if i put a dozen blueleg hermits in my tank is it safe to put a brittle star or chocolate star in with them? that goes with any of the other small crabs.
Blue legs and a brittle star are fine together. A chocolate ship may make a meal out of them, they are a rather oppurtunistic feeder. If you get one make sure you spot feed him. As for other crabs I personally have never had any problems with my brittle or serpent star with a deco or my emerald crabs.


Active Member
Chocolate chip stars will be fine with hermits as long as you feed the star regulary. I've had a chocolate chip with hermits before and the star never bothered them, but all stars are different, some will eat the hermits and then some chocolates won't.


I have hermits with my CC starfish and it has never eaten anything but I do spot feed it krill a couple times a week.


I keep hermits with my CC Star...he's fine with out if there is a snail within smelling distance....He Loves Them! (I found out the hard way...he was fine for about 3 months..then WHAM! He started sucking down snails like there was no tomorrow!