Crabs are bad


Well my elegance coral was doing really, really, well and I was very excited about that. I love them and always wanted a healthy one. I finally found one. It started to decline and had some slimy stuff coming off of it. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. Well then today I was doing some mait. so I turned the lights on a little bit sooner and my wife was home so I had the time to look around a bit better than usual. I was something oragne and took a closer look. It was a beautiful crab eating my beautiful elegance coral. This thing is beautiful(the crab) It is purple, grey, and has neon orange on every part of his body. I mean neon orage. I would take a picture, but he is smaller than a half of a pea. I'm am all tore up that I have to kill him, but he must die. He is very unique. He has a shovel like front on his head and everything else just looks like a normal crab I guess. Anyone every see anything else like this. ALso I hope he did not kill my elegance coral, but I had to rip him out with a pair of tweezers and he had a bunch of coral flesh grasped in his claws. I love unique little kritter, but not ones that eat corals. I think I will kill him, but if anyone wants him they are welcome to him for free, but keep in mind he eats CORAL.


I'm not taking that chance. Since I removed him a few hours ago my elegance coral already looks better so we will see what happens. He's so small I would never see him it's not worth the risk of him getting back into my tank and hurting any corals. He had probably been in the elegance coral since I got it, but I never noticed. Anyone wants him he is free. I will hold on to him until tonight then he dies. So sad because he is so beautiful.


You should mention where you are located to give someone a chance to save him. I would take him in a flash but I doubt I am any where near you.


So far, I've adopted 3 dogs, 11 feral cats, one geriatric horse and a damsel which is such a bully her two previous owners gave her back to the local *****. Since I've got two fish only tanks I'll adopt your coral eater if you like. I'm in Maryland and my phone is 410-586-8866.
I don't really see why you need to kill him. If you can't put him in your fuge. Then take him to your LFS.... If he is so beautiful I am sure they will take him...


Dispach the menace to society...

That crab will never be reabilitated into society and he will always be a predator to young corals...


I had a emerald crab eat a xenia before. Come to find out the xenia was dying and nature took over.
You might want to keep an eye on that coral even with the crab out.


TOKEY!! I live in Buffalo NY. So you are probably close to me. Let me know if you want him. He truely is beautiful.


Calvertbill is taking the crab. For all you crab lover's he will not die and he is going to a very good home. He seems very knowledgable and very interested in the crab.


Originally Posted by mscarpena
Calvertbill is taking the crab. For all you crab lover's he will not die and he is going to a very good home. He seems very knowledgable and very interested in the crab.

I have a crab I'm trying to put up for adoption. Little smaller than a baseball. Not reef safe, But has a great personality.



I'm in Maryland, 410-586-8866 and I'll give you shipping address. FYI for a guy that big he'll probably wind up in a Caulerpa propogation tank of mine. I'd otherwise get nervous that he'd get caught in the rockwork in either of my f/o tanks.
Baseball sized? Sounds too big for brine shrimp, maybe frozen Krill?


Originally Posted by Calvertbill
I'm in Maryland, 410-586-8866 and I'll give you shipping address. FYI for a guy that big he'll probably wind up in a Caulerpa propogation tank of mine. I'd otherwise get nervous that he'd get caught in the rockwork in either of my f/o tanks.
Baseball sized? Sounds too big for brine shrimp, maybe frozen Krill?

He does great in my tank (47g) with about 50 lbs of LR. He crawls all over the place. Never had any issues with him and fish. He shares the tank with a Damsel, 2 clowns, lawnmower blennie, purple P.chomis and a couple of peppermint shrimp.
Most corals/clams/anenome.......he has eaten.
He's not a fussy eater. I feed him algae cubes/sheets/ raw shrimp/ silversides. He'll eat just about anything.


Originally Posted by Marka1620
Calvertbill is now the proud owner of Hermie. Made the trip from MA. to MD in great shape.
Thanks Calverbill

So this crab arrives and goes into does every newbie...and a few hours later I can't find a fuzzy dwarf lion (which was also in QT)...not quite panic ensued, but I felt a lot better when I removed a rock to expose lion...this is a big f***ng crab.