Crabs on LR - LPS


Active Member
What do you guys (gals) think of owners looking at the LR for 5 mins to make sure no other life is on it that they might make a buck off? This guy searched the LR for a good minute - then had to pry off this poor little crab. What the hell I thought - just give it to me for petes sake. It was a cheap little crab, maybe $3.00. I told him to just charge me for it instead of what he was doing. I hear of people finding little things that give the LR a bonus, not in this pet shop.


yea local pet store here searches every pc of LR and if it has a few polyps or mushrooms they put it in another tank and charge $40 for the pc.


Ha. If it had been me I would have taken extra time to carfully check each dollar bill that I pulled out of my wallet, would have made a big production out of testing each bill to make sure there were no others sticking to know...just to make my point silently.. That is if you were paying cash. Then you could have counted out your change very carfully as well to make sure that the LFS person did it right, like line it up right on his counter largest to smallest...
OR you could go back a week later and tell them that you had to break that rock in half so that it would fit just right in your tank and tell them you found something really cool inside.
I just don't know why I think like that


Lr is expensive as it is and inverts on the rock help your tank to completer it's cycle and all i bet that they dont pay for the little inverts sumtimes thats how u no u have a
CRAP dealer
or a poor 1:)